Chapter 1

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I woke up the sound of my mother downstairs screaming for me to get up out of bed and make breakfast.

I quickly get up and rush to my bathroom to get ready. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair back into a ponytail. I already had pulled some sweats on, so I got an oversized shirt out if my closet and slipped it on along with some black vans.

I looked like a hobo, but i was fine. I had no one to impress anyways.

I ran downstairs and see my mother and sister at the table. My mother looking at the newspaper and my sister looking at her phone.

Upon hearing me come into the dining room, my mother looked up with a look i could only describe as hatred. I was hit in the chest with a pang of hurt as i realized how much i wanted mother's approval.

"Why the fuck are you standing there?! Go make breakfast!? If it's not done in 20 minutes, then your going to get it!" She screams in my face.

I whimper "yes mám" and quickly go towards the kitchen where I started making pancakes and eggs. Mother never let me eat. So once I was done, i walked back to my room, grabbed my backpack and ran out the door.

Walking down the side walk I contemplated on what my strategy is going to be today. At school there are lots of people who like to pick on me. There are 5 different routes I can go. Some quicker than the other. Some with more bullies than the other.

I cant be late again otherwise I'll get detention, and we all know I can't have that. So i had to take the quick route today with the most bullies in it. Hopefully they don't delay me too much.

Good thing I left the house 20 minutes early, so I got there 10 minutes earlier than usual.

Walking down the hallway, I was weary of the fact that there weren't many people in the hallway. But I continued on to class, extremely surprised to have no disruptions.

Opening the door to my classroom, I see most of the class already sitting down and talking amongst one another. Immediately upon my entry, they all looked up at me and started laughing as if I was some sort of joke.

I felt my face heat up and I quickly walked to my seat. Confused as to why everyone was here so early i tried to listen in on there conversations while my head was buried in my arms on my desk.

"Oh my gosh, I can't wait to meet him! He's so hot!" One girl screeches

"I know right! Louis Tomlinson is the hottest man alive! It's not fair that he's that sexy!" Her friend yells also.

Louis Tomlinson. The CEO of the largest company. Everyone knows who he is. I can't believe he's coming here! I wonder why.

The bell rings and the teacher comes in.

"Quiet down class!" The teacher yells

"As you know, we have a very special guest coming to visit us today. He's going to be telling you guys all sorts of buisness strategies and marketing mixes." She rambles on. "Please welcome, Mr. Tomlinson."

The entire class immediately bursts into cheers and claps as he walks through the door.

I quickly put my head down and hide my face not wanting him to laugh at how ugly I am too. A couple moments later, my ears are met with A heavenly light, raspy voice.

"Hello class."

I can hear the girls swooning over him and the boys talking about how expensive his outfit is. The teacher than says alright class, I'm going to leave Mr. Tomlinson with you guys and you better be on your best behavior."

She walks out of the classroom and it's so silent that you could hear my shaky breathing.

"Alright, how about you all tell me about yourselves. Starting from the front and ending at that back corner." Mr. Tomlinson proposes.

I have a feeling that I'm the last one which makes my face go even more red. The introductions go smoothly and after a few moments of silence after the person in front of me, i assume that no one's going to bother me.

But I am wrong, once again, and I hear Mr. Tomlinson heavenly voice snap at me.

"Well am I too boring for you to keep your head up or are you always this disrespectful?!"

I can feel my cheeks burning at this point. My eyes start to water a tiny bit as I hear the class burst out into laughter. I can feel the girl in front of my say something that makes me just want to die.

"C'mon freak. Get up. God you're so pathetic"

More laughter comes and I pick my head up and meet the eyes of Mr. Tomlinson.

My mouth goes dry and my cheeks are going numb from how red im getting. He's the most beautiful human I've ever laid my eyes on.

His cheekbones making my want to bow down to him and do whatever he tells me to do. I am quickly snapped out of my trance when he speaks again, His eyes softly looking at me this time. My green eyes locked onto his.

"What is your name?" He asks.

"Harry Styles." I say quietly. My deep voice carrying throughout the entire room. I hear the other students gasp at how deep my voice is, having never heard me before.

We stare at each other for a while, until I snap out of it and look back down at my desk. Feeling embarrassed, knowing he thinks I'm weird for staring.

The rest of class goes on with me looking down at my desk and listening to Mr. Tomlinson speak to the class about how to properly market a buisness.

At the end, I hear him say something that makes me freeze in my spot and my mouth go dry.

"Mr. Styles, meet me after class." Mr. Tomlinson stares at me so intently that I could only obey to his command.

Once everyone else is out, Mr Tomlinson closes the door pulling down the black sheet to cover the window and locking the door. I stay in my seat and wait for what he has to say.

Little did I know, that this would change my entire life.

Hi. Hopefully you all enjoy and want more. Leave some comments and let me know. Xoxo 😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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