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Congrats, you read the whole fic

I hope you like it and sorry it was very short. This was made as a love-tail for my Text Production class and I decided to write a short fanfic and I wanted to post this here so you have something to read while you wait for another phanfic of mine.

I still haven't got my mark on it but I hope it's good! Meanwhile school's out, I want to comfort myself thinking other people liked it. When I receive the mark I'll update you guys.

So yeah that's it


UPDATE: today I got my mark!! I got 2/2 and I'm so happy with myself!! The teacher didn't leave any notes or observations but I DON'T CARE, GOT A PERFECT SCORE ON A FANFIC

Did you notice the "ph" in "phanfic"?
You know what's coming...

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