8: Dead Griever

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Newt's POV

The walls began to open up again, I waited and waited and then the walls were fully open, they didn't make it, she didn't..

"Sorry Chuck" I patted his head and everyone along with me started to walk away

"Aw man! Guys there they are!" Chuck started to cheer with excitement, I seen Minho holding onto Alby and Thomas carrying (R/n), I got flushed with confusion, jealousy and worry.
Minho set Alby on the ground and Thomas laid (R/n) on the ground lightly.

"Is she fine?!" I asked

"Yes she is" Minho said

"Did you see a Griever??" Chuck questioned Thomas, Thomas nodded

"He didn't just see a Griever, he killed it" Minho said, shocked and confused I sat down at (R/n)'s body. She looked so lifeless, I smiled though. She kept her promise

I sat next to (R/n)'s body as the Med-Jacks wrapped her head up

"The meeting is starting now, we should be going" Jack said, I nodded and he walked out of the room, I stood up and took one last look at (R/n), I kissed her forehead and left.

Time seemed so slow as Gally went on and on about the rules I sat quietly and listened

"This dumb shank took it upon himself to go out into the maze-"

"He saved Alby's life" Fry interrupted

"Did he?" Questioned Gally

He then went rambling on some more, I could barely concentrate on his complaining, all my worries were on (R/n).

"Well I don't know if he's brave, or stupid" Minho began to speak "but whatever it is.. We need more of it, I say we make him into a runner" I smiled in agreement with Minho's words while everyone else was shaken by them, they all weren't too sure about it at all. Gally began to speak again but then the Greenie sirens took over his speech and everyone froze looking at each other, but than everyone ran.
I stopped and Minho did too

"What the hell has been going on around here" Minho whispered I continued running and when I got to the metal box I opened it and jumped down. My eyes widened Gally and I looked at each other, I turned to the others

"It's a girl" I told them, they all were shocked

"What's in her hand?" Someone asked, I leaned down and grabbed the piece of paper that this girl has been holding and read it

"She's the last one, EVER" I sighed and then looked back down at her. Her eyes then widened and her head lifted up a bit, she gasped

"Thomas!" She said, I looked up at Thomas and he looked around at everyone who was staring at him

(R/n)'s POV

I felt pain in my head, probably one of the worst headaches ever. I sighed and attempted to sit up. I looked over and see Jeff, Med-Jack guy. I looked over and there was another person, I couldn't tell who it was. I then hear whimpering, its Alby.

"Good morning" Jeff said
"You've been asleep for quite some time" He said while grabbing my wrist

"How long?" He than let go

"Pulse is fine... Three days is all" He answered

"Oh.. not too long"

"Too long for Newt to loose is shucking mind, hr wouldn't ever calm himself down, I'll tell him your up so you may talk to him" Jeff than left and I stood up, I walked up to that person and I seen long black hair and pail soft skin, it's... It's a girl? I touched her hand and then seen a note laying on the side. I read it but then someone came storming in

"(R/n)! Are you ok?! What are you doing up?? Lay back down I don't want you to be hurting" Newt sat grabbing my shoulders and sitting me back down on the bed I was laying on

"Newt I-.. I'm fine" I smiled

"Just lay down ok?" He looked worried but I only laughed at it

"Ok fine" I smirked, he looked back at Jeff and Jeff left the room we were in.
"Who's.. Who's that?" I asked pointing at the girl over at the other end of the room

"(R/n).." He sat there looking at me, slowly but surely tears formed. They fell down he then fell on my lap.
"Don't do that ever again please!" He yelled and begged
"Don't go back out there please!" He pleated, tears then formed in my eyes
"I thought I was gonna lose you, I wasn't gonna get to tell you my feelings! (R/n) I.. I love you so much" He was crying so badly I felt it through my pants. He lifted his head and looked me in the eyes, he lifted himself and his lips touched mine

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