A Reason For Life

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People say they have no reason to live, but to me why do you need a reason to live, make one, find one.

Really when you are born you don't have a perpos but you find one a, perpos, a reasonable to live. To me the only reason to live is to find perpos, a reason to live. My reason to live is to find a perpos.

For some people there reason to live is for someone else, or mutipple people. Some may even say there is worthless, yet a life is worth more than all the money in the world.

So don't just throw it away. You don't need a reason, you are the reason to live.

You don't have a reason to live, well then why were you given​a life to live, so live your life you were given to to​ live. Love Life. Live Love. Love life don't hate life. A reason for life is you were given life for a reason, so live don't throw it away, but appreciate it.

Random thing I wrote while watching Farry Tale.

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