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Hermione: guys go watch this video

Everyone: ok

  5 min later

Harry: eww gross

Ron: same

Fred and George: same

Hermione: he's so cute

Ron: are you saying I'm not cute

Hermione: no he's just cuter

Luna: yes but he would look better with fur

Ginny: he is really cute

Harry: wait what

Pansy: he is my future husband

Draco: what

Pansy: well that burn still hurt

Draco: I asked if you needed ice

Professor Umbridge: he is so cute awww

All the girls: ewww you perv

Snape: did y'all miss me

Everyone: ahhhhh

Professor Umbridge: I did

Snape: my name is no my sign is no my number is no you need to let it go cause we are never getting back together

Professor Umbridge: playing hard to get I see

*Snape kills Professor Umbridge*

Harry Potter Texting Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora