Escaping Execution

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Life isn't fair. Just because her mother was a witch, it does not mean that Violet was. She shouldn't be locked up and executed just because of her blood.
Violet had never harmed anyone, and if she had been cursed with powers, She still would never hurt anyone.
She was innocent. She had to escape this death sentence.
Violet thought about this as she quietly shut the dungeon door behind her.

She let the piece of wire, used to unlock the door, fall out of her hand and onto the dusty floor. After a third scan of the hall, she decided to get going.

The plan was to sneak out through the abandoned side of the castle, where she should find a door leading to the forest. Then, she will meet up with her best friend Gemma, the one person who stuck with her throught all of this.

Violet crept down the hall, the only noise she could hear being her tattered shoes on the concrete.
It was night. She could only tell this because there was no guard in sight.

Violet checked each of the cells to make sure that none of the other prisoners were awake. She felt bad for them, but she couldn't risk trying to help them.
Luckily everyone was asleep.

Surprisingly the trip from the dungeon to the abandoned side of the castle was fairly fast and easy. The abandoned part was where the trouble started.

As Violet came up to another ancient corridor, she sensed something off. She had always had cat intuition. Her body tingled, and five seconds later she heard voices, and daunting footsteps.
"I can't believe the King wants us to bring back this part of the castle."
"It's ridiculous. I didn't sign up for that"
Oh no! They sounded like guards. They were not very nice guys.

Violet immediately looked for a hiding place. Her heart was pounding. If she was found they would kill her right there and then like a spider. Her hands searched for an unlocked door, but had no luck. She felt sick with panic, but she knew she couldn't give up.

She leapt to plan B.
About three meters up the giant wall, the wall was pushed back by about 50cm. This made the hall wider at the top, and left a shelf that someone could sit on.

Without hesitation she found holds in the sturdy stone walls and began climbing. Violet was a good climber, despite the fact that she was wearing a dress. Within a couple of minutes she was lying down across the ledge.

The guards quickly entered the hall and walked right past her hiding place. She was flooded with relief. They soon turned the corner, and Violet released the breath she didn't know she was holding. In a flash he climbed down the wall and was soon on her way again.

After ten minutes more, Violet finally came to the small iron doors. The exit to the castle. She pushed them open with haste. Her heart exploded with happiness when the fresh night air hit her face.

She spotted the horse and cart waiting and ran to it.  Gemma, violets friend, gave her the hugest hug when she climbed onto the cart. The girls let out a small laugh, in relief, and in the joy of being reunited. Gemma commanded the horse to go, and they headed for the forest.

Both of the friends were extremely ecstatic with the thought that they finally had their freedom.

The end


So this was just a short story I wrote for school. I don't like it that much bc I wanted to add more but there was a word limit. Meh. Well I hope you enjoyed!

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