Chapter Seven: The Fuzzed-Out Man

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Surprisingly, the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday managed to pass without a single Digimon fight taking place. 

It was now Monday evening. Mila was sitting in her room alongside Agumon as she stared up at the ceiling. A sigh escaped her lips. She was desperate to fight against a Digimon and see what Agumon was capable of. 

Mila had heard from Ali that Yuko's Hawkmon had reached the Champion level on Saturday. She couldn't believe it. Now, four of the DigiDestined's partners had managed to Digivolve to the next level up. 

In all of the stories Mila heard from her father, his partner had leveled up first. Greymon, MetalGreymon, and WarGreymon had all been the first of their types out of the group of the original eight kids. Mila had figured that sort of status would pass over to her since she was his daughter, but it appeared that was not meant to be. 

Agumon was asleep on the top bunk. Mila stared at her Digivice, which she was holding up in front of her face. As his snores echoed throughout the room, Mila closed her eyes. She was starting to think that maybe she wasn't meant to be the leader of this new group. It would explain why Agumon hadn't yet Digivolved to the Champion level. 

Mila gulped silently. She didn't like thinking that was the case, but she couldn't really think of any other explanation for why Agumon was being a late bloomer compared to the other Digimon. 

She didn't want to wake him up to talk about this. Much like Ali's Armadillomon, Agumon didn't like it when somebody woke him up when he was napping. It was best to just leave him alone. 

Besides, Mila already knew what he was going to say. He was going to tell her that it was alright. He would Digivolve soon and Mila would take her place as the leader of the DigiDestined, just as she was meant to. After all, Mila and Agumon had both heard the stories. TK's Patamon had been the last one to Digivolve, and he was one of the strongest. Maybe that would be the case with Agumon. 

A small smile appeared on Mila's lips. Even if he hadn't directly given it to her, Agumon's advice was the thing that she needed to push away the darkness in her times of doubt and unhappiness. 


Tanaka Earis hated business dinners. 

When their parents were both part of a large computer company that produced all sorts of programs, however, it was a given that dinners were going to be found around every corner. Tanaka had grown used to them over the years, but that didn't meant that they liked them any more now than they had compared to when they were five and just moved to Odaiba from America. 

Tanaka had to have their long blonde hair down for this dinner. Their twin ponytails, which they usually wore, weren't exactly allowed when it came to fancy situations such as this. Tanaka finger combed their hair and groaned. They were already missing their typical hairstyle. 

Tanaka's green and blue eyes eyed her typical outfit on the bed. Their typical outfit, which consisted of a blue shirt, white jacket, jean shorts, and a green scarf, was draped out on the bed. Tanaka was now wearing a pastel green dress that reached their knees. Their shoes were the same as always, green and white with white socks that stretched up to their upper thigh. 

Tanaka walked out of their bathroom and looked to Lopmon, their partner Digimon. Lopmon didn't look all that satisfied, but then again, she rarely did when Tanaka had to go out to fancy dinners such as this one. Lopmon would have to stay home with Terriermon (the one belonging to Tanaka's twin brother Taro), the other Lopmon, and the other Terriermon (both of which were partnered up with Tanaka's father, Willis). Lopmon hated it when this sort of thing happened. That much was no secret. 

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