I know your heart!

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She stared into the night from the window of her bedroom, unsure why she felt this way. She had suffered heartbreaks before but none as painful as this. It bothered her, she wasn't even going through a break-up. Come to think of it, break-ups have never been something she fretted over for long. Since she wasn't really a person who invested in a relationship heavily and had barely two real ones to talk of. She had parted with both the guys on friendly terms. This, however, felt much worse. She felt a pain clenching her heart every time she sat idle. She had tried to keep herself occupied all through the day with work commitments, meeting up friends, taking trips but when she was alone at night, it was the same story every single day. She hated alcohol or she might've drowned herself in order to save herself the misery.

As if to wake her from her self induced agony, she heard the door monitor beep. It was clearly one of her close friends, the only ones who knew to let themselves in through the main entrance. Unlike other times, she didn't mind the intrusion. She was absent-minded enough to open the door without bothering to check who it was. The minute she saw him, however, a gasp escaped her lips. He slanted his head, curious at her reaction, walked in and closed the door behind him. She composed herself quickly and embraced him in a warm hug.
"Joon Hyung ah"
He responded with equal warmth wrapping his arm completely around her, "Bok Joo ya"
She looked up at him, slightly confused by the gaiety in his voice.

They had taken to calling each other by their screen names ever since their drama together. It made things far more intimate between them than it had ever been. They were incredibly close before the show having worked together on various modeling projects. But, he was young when they met, at 23, a 19 year old seemed incredibly young to her. They had a friendly equation despite it. She had long before discovered that he had a way of making her feel comfortable . She trusted him, she was amused by his jokes, she found him manly, the last of which she would never admit openly. Specially not to friends, who often teased her about her closeness to him. He had slowly grown to a place where she could no longer think of him as a younger person, leave alone a dongseng. The show they starred in together brought in new elements to their relationship. In spite of calling her noona often, he had dropped formalities that the language and culture demanded, a long time back. Now, he had dropped the noona too. She was now Bok Joo to him, it had made everything completely and wholly intimate.
She was sure she had fallen for his character in the show. All her feelings were for Joon Hyung and as the person who played that character, she was not willing to separate him from his character. Not yet anyway.

He pulled her into a hug again bringing her back to reality.
She stared up at him. She loved how his height complemented her very tall frame. No wonder, they kept getting cast together.
"Can I kiss you?"
He asked with a hint of a smile on his face.
"What?" She asked, unsure if she had heard right.
He grinned, "Joon Hyung wants to know if he can kiss his Bok Joo"
She tried to read his eyes, was there something more than mischief there? She couldn't say, really. She decided she would have none of his nonsense teasing. She cupped his face and gave him a resounding smack on his lips. If he was surprised, he didn't show it, instead, he took her arms, wound it around himself, placed his palms on her cheeks and kissed her slowly. He was so gentle at first that she opened her lips without thinking and went along with his lead. This was no simple kiss, it was a full fledged make out session, with mussed hair and crumpled clothes as proof of enthusiasm, not to mention the flushed faces and swollen lips.
After a while, when they stood staring at each other, she did something she had not done in a long time, she blushed, a brilliant shade of scarlet. He, who blushed more than she ever did, actually smiled seeing her face.
"You've never looked more beautiful", He said with utmost sincerity that she had come to associate with him. She was yet again left speechless completely contrary to her character.
He was caressing her red cheeks and she couldn't help but feel elated at whatever feeling it was that had invaded her and filled her with so much happiness. The pain and the misery had disappeared for the first time in weeks. She didn't want to ask him what he intended or what he felt. She just let her heart take the lead and decided to live by whatever comes her way. Knowing him, she knew she was safe. It felt right, it felt like home.

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