Chapter 1

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~Author's pov ~

It was a normal day at the Sakamaki household. Reiji Sakamaki was doing some research on poisons. Ayato Sakamaki was eating takoyaki. Laito Sakamaki was out picking up women. Kanato Sakamaki was in a tea party with his teddy bear, Teddy. Subaru Sakamaki was watering his beautiful roses. Shu Sakamaki was listening to Vivaldi.
It was a normal day until... someone unexpectedly  knocked on the door. They weren't expecting a new bride. Yui Komori had just recently died because they sucked her dry and they weren't expecting a new bride that soon.
Ayato was the first to open the door.
He saw a beautiful girl with tannish skin tone, sun kissed hair, green eyes. She was wearing a sailor dress, a sailor hat, sailor socks and shoes. She also had luggage with her.
"Shu Sakamaki?" She asked him. Her tone was confident and she sounded outgoing. He realized that he had been staring at her for a long time. Dumbstruck. She was beautiful but he came back to reality when she asked him. "Oi, who are you? Ore sama wants to know!" "My name is Aeruna Sloan-Sakamaki."
S-Sakamaki? Had he heard right?
"Sakamaki?" "My dad's last name.''
'So... One of us is her dad? Well think, which one could be her dad? Surely it isn't Kanato, she doesn't look like a psycho. Subaru, nah, too innocent to even kill his mother, let alone, frickle frackle with someone... Reiji is responsible. He uses protection... Shu is way to lazy... That leaves me, Laito and that man...' Ayato thought. "Tch. Who's your dad?" He asked. Before she could answer though, she was interrupted by someone else....
"Ayato who is- Nfu~ we have a beautiful girl~" Laito said, he had returned from his trip of hunting woman. "Beat it.  She might be your sister, daughter or niece. You don't want to fuck your sister, daughter or niece, Laito." Said Ayato.

''Daughter~?" Laito wasn't ready to be a dad but he'll give it his best, if she was his daughter..."We don't know who her dad is... Well she hasn't told us..." "Still here you know." Aeruna said. "Who's your daddy bitch chan~?"
'Bitch chan? Asshole.' Aeruna thought.
"That sounds highly sexual when you say it like that and as once quoted by a famous philosopher 'don't do dat.' Anyways it's Shu. Shu Sakamaki."
After a minute of pure silence, Laito and Ayato fell to the floor laughing. "I EXPECTED THAT MAN OR LAITO TO BE YOUR DAD MAYBE ME TO BE YOUR DAD BUT SHU!! PFTTT!" Ayato said while he started to cry of laughtet. "MY DAUGHTER IS HILARIOUS~!" Laito already had tears in his eyes because of laughter. "Not your daughter for sure..." Aeruna murmured.
"Keep it down. Your laughter can be heard all trough out the mansion." "SHU THIS GIRL IS SAYING THAT YOU'RE HER DAD! PFFT!!" " It's true though! My mother told me he was my dad!" Shu could hear her say, her voice was... music to Shu's ears... She had a lovely voice...
'A voice of an angel...' Shu thought.
Shu was laying down in a sofa with his eyes closed. His eyes suddenly opened. He sat up and said," Ayato let her in." "Shu you're not actually falling for this are you?" Ayato had stopped laughing and got up, as well as Laito. "Ayato, just do it." Shu gave him a dirty look.
Ayato let her in.
For the first time she saw her dad. She was... happy.
"What's your name?" Shu asked. "Aeruna Sloan-Sakamaki." "Sloan?" He asked. "Yeah. Sloan. My mom was Charlotte Sloan."
Reiji, Subaru and Kanato appeared. "What's going on?!" Subaru semi shouted, he was next to the door that led to the stairs. Reiji fixed his glasses with his index finger, "Indeed... We wanna know what's happening and who's she?" He said. "Teddy and I wanna know who she is." "She might be Shu's daughter~" Laito said. "Me and Teddy are confused." Kanato said. "Well... you see Kanato... When a girl and guy love each other very much they-" "Ayato please. This is no time for 'the talk.'" Reiji said. "Guys, how do we know she's Shu's daughter?" Subaru asked. "We don't know. Only Shu knows." Reiji said. "Tch. She's my daughter... Can't you guys smell my blood in her veins..?"
Aeruna was confused. 'Why smell?' She thought.
All the Sakamaki brothers nodded. It was true. She did awfully smelled a lot like Shu.
"Well~ Since you're our niece... We might as well introduce our selves  bitch chan~" "Laito, call her a bitch once again and I'll chain you to a table and cut you open while I pour salt into your eyes and pluck out every single tooth you have with no anesthesia." Shu said, trying to sound as intimidating as he could, yet he didn't show any anger... All the brothers were surprised by this. "No need to worry Shu~ I was just kidding~ Anyways~ My name is Laito. You can call me Uncle Laito,~ My little angel~" "The fifth oldest." Reiji said.
'Yeah. No shit Sherlock. What else am I supposed to call you?' Aeruna thought...
"I'm Reiji, second oldest, and that good for nothing deadbeat over there is your father, Shu, the oldest." He pointed to Shu in the couch, who was still sitting, not laying down, then Reiji continued," do call me Uncle Reiji, if not you'll be punished." "Tch. Reiji, say that one more time... and I'll kill you. Any of you lay a finger on her, I'll rip you to shreds, understood?" Shu said, once again, not showing any anger, nor any emotion.
This was a side of Shu that neither of the Sakamaki brothers had ever seen... Shu could be scary...
Reiji fixed his glasses one more time. "That's Kanato,fourth oldest." Reiji pointed to Kanato. "Shu, me and Teddy wanna play with her. Can we?" "No." Shu immediately responded. Shu already knew what type of games Kanato was talking about. Kanato frowned.
"That over there is Subaru, he's the youngest." She turned around and saw Subaru chilling on one of the sofas, with his eyes closed.
"And I'm Ayato! Third oldest. Call me Ore Sama." Ayato said.
"No... Anyways, all of you came from the same mother? "
"Came from the same father. Shu and Reiji came from the same mother, Beatrix, your grandma. Ayato, Kanato and Laito, came from the same mother, Cordelia." Ayato faked coughed, "Whoredelia." He coughed one last time. "Sorry there was something in my throat. "
Subaru continued,"I came from Christa."
Shu stood up and walked towards Aeruna. "Come with me." Shu said. He started walking towards the stairs. ''Okayyyy!!" Aeruna said excitedly.  This was the first time she was gonna talk to her father...
Her luggage had been taken by the butler. Aeruna followed him. Once they weren't in her uncle's sight, she started talking to her dad. "I always wanted to know how my dad looked, you know? My mom said that you looked handsome. Like really handsome. I agree. But like not in a sexual way as you have good looks. My mom also said that you would look very young. And I agree." "Aeruna, where's your mother?" Shu asked. "Oh. My mom... Yeah she sorta disappeared." "Typical of her."
'What does he mean by this?' Aeruna thought.
Shu and his daughter got inside a room, his room.
'I can smell my blood inside of her. Her hair color is the same as mine. Her eyes look exactly like her mother's.' Shu thought.
Shu entered his room and laid down in his bed. Aeruna did the same.
"Aeruna, why are you here?" Shu asked. "I have no one and I needed someone... The only person I had was my mom but she disappeared without a trace. We had no family or friends only each other. We were always on the run, so no time to really know anybody... But then I thought of you... She told me your name and I decided to come... even though she said you didn't want me... " "Wait... What did she say?" "That you didn't want me, it was the reason why you left. You left didn't you?"
Shu's blood was boiling, but he tried not to show that he was angry. That wasn't true at all. He wanted Aeruna... He just didn't know she even existed but now that he knows, he wanted her. "That was a long time ago, Aeruna... I do want you now..." He was gonna tell her what really happened, but maybe another day. Aeruna just nodded. "You also said your mom was on the run... On the run from who or what...?" "She named them 'the whispers.' She didn't told me what they were..."
'What were you running away from Charlotte?' Shu thought.
Aeruna sat down on a sofa.
Shu wanted to sleep but he wouldn't let his eyes off his daughter. If he did, she could wander the mansion and meet her uncles, which would be bad if you think about it. They could hurt her.
'She's beautiful... Like a beautiful piece of a song.' Shu thought. He didn't know her that well but what he did know is that he wanted to protect her, even if it was the last thing he'll do, he will.

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