Chapter 20

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Dani's pov

Santana cant be dead she can't be Stacey does eveything she does to help her but nothing works my mom and Eddie turn up at the centre and try to calm me down but I wouldn't I sat next to Santana's body I felt like I had lost a part of me. A few days had pat I wouldn't speak to anyone I wouldn't return anycalls I was at my apartment and I was sitting around in her old clothes they still smelt of her, there was a knock on the door but I didn't answer it I heard it open and I heard "Dani? Its Rachel and Kurt are you here?" I get out of bed and see them I broke down I ran to them and they comforted me. "Shh sh sh Dani everything will be okay we are here for you" Rachel said as she was holding me the next day was the funeral so Rachel told me to shower and she would clean up he apartment with Kurt. I walked into the bathroom and saw her shampoo I had to fight it so I showered fast as possible. I out her old sweatshirt on and walked out the apartment was already spotless "thanks guys" I said with a smile om my face "its okay, we could stau here if you want?" "Wouldn't you mind?" "Ofcourse not!!" Kurt said walking over and hugging me they took me to bed and watched me fall asleep just in case I didn't relapse, I woke upnin the middle of the night crying and I felt like Santana was next to me so I stayed up to write a song I finished it within 2 hours I called it 'Nightingale' I fell back to sleep until 8 am.

I woke up and walked into the kitchen Kurt had made breakfast for us all "awe Kurt you didn't have to!" "I know but I wanted to you have to eat Dani because today well you know" I sat down and ate a few things I heard my phone ring I ran and answered it "hey mom" "hey sweetie how are you feeling,  have you ate anything?" She said sounding worried "mom im fine I have to be strong cause I know she would want that and yes Kurt and Rachel are here and Kurt made breakfast" I said sitting down Kurt smiled and shouted "Hey Mrs D!" She laughed and said "hey" I passed him the phone and went to get dressed Rachel picked out my outfit it was a black dress and black shoes I got changed, did my make-up and walked out. "You guys ready?" "Yeah are you" I nodded and we made our way to the church I broke down seconds before we arrived but I had kurt and Rachel comforting me thank god, I walked in and everyone was staring at me. Within an hour the ceremony was over but I had to say a speech I got up and walked to the front "hey I know Santana and I were always hurting each other but that didn't mean I didn't love her because I did I loved her like I have never loved anyone in the world and I hope now she is in oeace and I know she is looking down on me protecting me so I wrote a song for her I called it 'Nightingale' I will perform it at the wake thank you" I stepped down and cried in my moms arms. We all made our way to the wake I was performing the song as soon as I got there, I stood up on stage and staryed singing I held my tears back but at the final note I broke down, as I went of stage eveything went dark. "Dani wake up omg are you okay why are you screaming Dani?!!!" I opened my eyes and saw Santana "Santana oh my god your alive!!!" I jumped uo and hugged her I wouldn't let her go "what do you mean alive ofcourse I am!!" She said holding me tight.

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