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It's not that easy to relate to someone with Depression, self harm problems, an eating disorder, anxiety etc. so if you don't know what it feels like to feel worthless, or empty, or alone, don't try to pretend like you do. Don't say, "I know how you feel" or "it's okay" because no, it's not okay. You don't know what it's like to never be good enough. Or always alone, it might be okay one day. Everything might get better but it's not okay today. If you don't know how it feels to feel like your life is crumbling around you, don't fucking tell me "everything is okay" because it sure as hell isn't alright. Don't try and relate to me, or pretend that you know what's going on cause you don't know, at all. You don't even begin to understand until you've experienced it all for yourself...

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