Chapter 15

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The man walks toward Carl and I, a big smirk on his face, with 'Lucille' in his hands.

He turns to Carl and swings the bat at his arm, the barb wire leaving gashes in his skin. Blood trickles down his forearm and dripping on to the ground. Carl winces, and the man swings the bat again, but this time harder. Carl screams out in pain, and I burst into a sob.

The man turns to me with an evil smirk on his face. He swings the bat, and Carl screams "don't!" At the top of his lungs. The man stops mid swing, and turns to Carl.

"You lay a hand on her, and I will kill you" Carl says in a deep voice.

The man chuckles and swings the bat at my face, and I scream out in pain. The barb wire cuts through my cheeks. I can taste the blood filling up my mouth. I spit the blood on to the ground and look at Carl. He looks at me with sorrowful eyes, and struggles to get out.

"Stop." The man says.

"You can't keep us here forever"

the man chuckles again, and walks upstairs.

"Carl," I say, blood dripping out of my cheek.

"Riley," he says with concern.

I struggle to get out of the duct tape on my wrists. My wrists are skinny, and so are my hands. The duct tape is so tight it stings. I try to pull out but it's not working. My hands slide out the smallest bit, but only because my wrists are sweating and the glue is wet caused by my sweat.

Now the duct tape is around the palm of my hand. Maybe I can slide it out. I'm pulling so hard my wrists starts bleeding. I pull more, and my right hand is free. I pull the duct tape off of my left hand.

And run over to Carl and pull off his duct tape. He throws himself at me, hugging me tight. I start crying.

"We need to get your cheek fixed. Maybe Hershel can help you." He tells me.

"But how are we going to get back to the RV?" I ask.

"I don't know...." He replies.

"Lets go." I say.

"Wait!" He says, grabbing my arm. "We need to be really quiet or else he'll hear us."

I nod and we start tiptoeing upstairs. When we get to the top of the staircase, we both look all around for the man. He's nowhere to be seen, so we quietly open the door and gently close it.

Then we start sprinting to the woods nearby. When we get to the woods, he takes my hand and looks at my cheek. It's still bleeding.

"You need a bandage or something." He tells me.

"I know." I say.

We keep walking, for maybe an hour or so. We've come across 4 walkers, I've killed them with my knife. It's starting to get dark. I can see a building in the distance.

"Carl what's that?" I ask.

"I think it's the pharmacy!" He says.

We start running and when we get there, nobody is there. But it's the same pharmacy. In the parking lot, we pick up our backpacks that we dropped and head to the RV.

We both know the way. After walking for another 40 minutes, we finally get to the highway. It's getting really dark, I can hear the moans of walkers in the distance.

"There it is!" Carl exclaims.

We start running toward the RV. When we get there, everyone is inside the RV. We walk in, and Rick jumps up and runs over to Carl.

"Carl.." He says, hugging him. "What happened?"

We tell the group what happened and Hershel fixes my cheek. We all settle down to sleep. I lay down in one of the beds at the back of the RV.

I feel someone come and lay next to me. I look over and realize its Carl. He puts his arm around me and I fall asleep in his arms.

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