Story/Chapter one:

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*based on the ship of Prettypsycholover  and ica_art_  ... I call it Batkin pie. P.s I made this on my pc so sorry if it's weird if you read this on your phone :/*

"Master James, are you ready?" Alfred asked his boss. Alfred was an old man and he was the butler of a young 25 year old man named James. James was 1.85m tall and had black hair, and beautiful brown eyes. He was very muscular and, besides his looks he was also a billionaire.
"Almost..." James said while he tried to get his bowtie right.
"Serious? You own every martial art moves on earth but you can't tie a simple bowtie?"
"Hey, bowties are hard okay?"
James had to go to a gala, he was pretty excited because he knew Jack was also invited. He wanted to see how Jack looked without his crime makeup -Jack was a criminal, just escaped from Arkham Asylum- why did he always have to dye his hair green and put on very white makeup? Jack was also the reason James was a crime fighter. He called himself Batman, he liked to fight with Jack because for some reason it was never enough for Jack, James once punched Jack so hard he couldn't breathe for a couple seconds but after he could breathe again he just started to laugh as maniacally as always.

When James arrived at the gala he saw that it was a masquerade party. He got a mask, of course he got a bat mask, not that the person who gave him the mask knew he was Batman. He took the mask and put it on. There were a lot of people at the party.
"James! You look beautiful!" A young lady put her hand on James' shoulder.
"Oh hi Lena, thanks, you're also looking really nice." James smiled, luckily nobody noticed he famed all his smiles, those parties were so boring he couldn't even laugh. He picked a glass of champagne from the tray of a butler that walked past them. Just when James was about to take a sip someone accidentally bumped into him, making James spilling the half of the champagne on his expensive suit. He looked up at the man who bumped into him, James had a look of frustration and annoyance in his eyes. He scanned the man, he was a bit smaller than James, he thought the man was like 10cm smaller.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to ruin your suit..."


James knew that voice out of thousand different voices. He kept quiet, it was an awkward silence. Lena rolled her eyes and mumbled something like "Boys..." and she walked away.

"Thought she'd never leave," Jack whispered, giggling again  and any lingering fatigue fell away. James didn't know why Jack was  here and the situation meant he was forced to continue the daytime  persona, but if he was lucky, maybe he'd be able to figure         something       out. He'd just have to play along for a bit first. 

   " I know you?" he asked, hoping the forced humour was convincing. It worked on most people, but Jack wasn't         most people      . "I'm sure I'd remember a dance partner like you."      

      A wide grin spread across Jack's lips and he leaned in. 

   "Oh, yes, we know each other         very       well," he said, his voice low. "But, then, you're already aware of that, aren't you?"      

      Yes he was and, with nothing else to do, James tugged his hand. Jack's grip tightened. The distance between them closed even further  and Jack's voice softened to barely above a whisper.

   "Or, should I say,         Batman      ?"       

      For the second time, James froze and there was a moment where he was sure he'd misheard. Jack didn't...        did he      ? He couldn't. There was no way...

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