hi dad

25 0 0

I was driving and I got a call from my sister Danielle bregoil

Q did you do it

D yeah I had a mask on I shot him in his legs

Q okay you on your way out here

D yeah I love you

Q I love you too

She hang up I called my daddy

Q hi Daddy

Dman hi princess I'm coming to get lengent

Q okay love you Dad

Dman love you too princess

He hang up

I put my hand print on kaniyah door I herd gun shoots so I ducked

Kaniyah who in my house

I pulled out my gun

Queen hi niyah

Kaniyah girl you almost got killed

She picked up leagacy

K hi fat momma

She started laughing

Q I'm about to drop legent at daddys house I will back

K take your time

I walked out with legent I pulled up to dman house I nocked on the door

Q who u

Rw I'm his wife

Dman quit lieing give me my grandson

I gave him legent, legent pulled his ears and drudelled all over his face I laughed

Q bye daddy

I went back to kaniyah house they where both sleep so I just picked up leagacy went to the gest room and watched norbet leagacy started snoring my baby was tired I fell asleep I had the movie on replay so when I goes off it comes back on and soon I fell asleep

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