The lesson remains

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Surrounded by very few people I love my heart danced with my soul. My mother the light in my path which led me astray from darkness and knew my fake friends before I did. My father is my strength, made me stronger with lessons made me wiser. The separation of them both made me lose hope for the future and consumed me in the darkness. Tyler the pretty boy that, no matter happened between us he would come back and show me the importance of friendships. I had people I love around me all around, we were having fun at a barbecue. This meant everything was good right? Boy I have never been so wrong! The dark figure in the distance travelled closer. I tried to tell Tyler, he turned his back to me. "Tyler!" I shouted, he still didn't hear me. I told him and my hand went through him. I was going to shout again but my attention went to Nicki. My parents looked at her as if they worshipped her and Tyler looked at her, the way he looked at me. Affectionately and loving. The figure had no face which merely looked like a shadow gripped onto me. "Help me!" My tears flowed like a waterfall, my body cried in fear. All the people I loved did not care anymore, within an arms reach but completely useless to me while the figure ripped me apart I took my last breath and...


Awake. I look around to see Tyler smiling mischievously. "Look, I told you I could get you wet😉" We looked at each other and laughed. I couldn't help it he could be so annoying sometimes.

"I'm going to get you back, Tyler I wouldn't sleep if I were you. I know how much you love that hair of yours"

"Whatever... and we both know much you love me"

"Boy please, trey songz has my heart right now😍❤️"

"He doesn't even know you" he laughed at me

I rolled my eyes. "Of course he does we are married"

"Yeah, yeah just get ready everyone is waiting downstairs" He said before checking himself in the mirror and chuckles down the stairs. Unbelievable. Even when we are growing up he hasn't changed one bit. I got this apartment to get away and have some peace, I can see that is not going to happen ever with Tyler around. He acts like this apartment is his more than it is mine. He even made a copy of my keys, only him. It was always him to irritate my soul. Now all his mates are downstairs great.

I jumped in the shower and Mario let me love you. See that moment when the music takes control and forget about who you are, you act like you are in a music video. I put on something comfortable while singing into a comb.

"You should let me love you, let be the one to-"

Before I could continue another voice joined me. "Give you everything you want and need"

I turned to see the unfamiliar face.
"Sorry, who are you?"

"My name is Marcel. I just moved in next door, I'm an old friend of Tyler's. Sorry about that by the way could help myself."
While he was talking I could help but to see what he was working with. Caramel skin, curly hair and grey eyes that sparkled.

"It's okay, did you need anything?"

"Oh, I just thought I would introduce myself, since this is your little cute apartment after all" Cute, check. Good manners, check. Sexy voice, check. I mentally tick my boxes, interesting guy but shame I'm not interested on having a relationship. I'm a lone wolf what can I say? Instantly we clicked and start talking about family and life. I found out that he had nobody to rely on that must be tough being alone. I couldn't imagine that, it actually was greatest fear to end up alone. I guess that's why I was so thankful Tyler was always around, no matter how annoying it can be. He saw a picture of my little sister on my lock screen and I couldn't help but smile of the memory of her.

"Who is this? She is cute." He examined at the photo but before I could answer...

"But not as cute as she is." Another voice joined which made my blood boil. What was he doing here?

"Brandon." I gritted my teeth, the same way I can't get rid of Tyler, I can't get rid of this guy. They were like two peas in a pod. Except Tyler didn't the real reason why we broke up. I still haven't told anyone... I'm not yet ready to. "What do you want?" I looked him up and down with attitude, if only looks could kill.

"I came to see what's the hold up, Marcel you good?" They knew each other instantly I began to untick the boxes in my head until-

"Yeah, I was until you showed up." Marcel said with a disgusted look on his face.

"Marry me?" No I didn't just say that out loud. The room swallowed me whole and went quiet.

Marcel chuckled and Brandon didn't look to happy but suddenly smiled evilly. "Yeah, when you do just know I already had my turn with her"

I laughed. He doesn't know me but he is about to find out my arm swung back but before I could already reach him. He was already on the floor. Marcel punched him. Massive tick! "That's my wife you talking about,you can leave"

I couldn't help but blush at his statement. Brandon immediately rushed out. Wait for it...4....3...2...
Tyler walks in the room. "Why the hell would you do that?"

"Tyler before you do anything stupid, Brandon started it Marcel just defended me" Tyler gave me a look of doubt and cold as if he just all the respect he has for me.

"I don't believe you, Brandon wouldn't just start something." Marcel looked calm surprisingly he looked at me and suddenly I gained courage I didn't know him that long but I felt I could trust him.

"Brandon is not the person you think he is. He is a monster. He fucking raped me!" Tyler laughed

"How honestly desperate can you be, seriously! You made up that story and you think I'm going to believe you. How insecure can you be? That's why you will be alone, you are liar and you disgust me!"

Well that's not the response I thought I would get. "Get out!"

"Whatever I made you and you will be nothing with me." With that the door slammed shut.

Marcel tried to comfort me but I pushed him away. "It's okay, I'm fine you don't have to pretend you care"

Marcel looked into my eyes while he placed a haribo ring on my finger. "Marry me?" I blushed with embarrassment and we both laughed.

The rest of the day we watched films and the last thing I remember was leaning against Marcel's shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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