The Charming Tree Creature

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After a couple of minutes passed the Peas felt like they were picked up and they heard a gruff yet charming voice.

"I am Groot? (Translation: What's this?)" The voice said in concern.

"Hey Groot, pass it here!" Another voice yelled.

The Peas were shook as they were thrown.

"What the hell even is this?" The second voice asked.

"It's a toy, I think?" A third voice said.

"What is a 'toy'?" A more feminine voice asked.

"Well Mantis, a toy is an object for a child to play with, typically a model or miniature replica of something." The voice third voice replied.

"Oh." Mantis responded.

"Okay, okay can we just open it already?!" The second voice asked quite annoyed.

"Fine Rocket." The third person responded.

"Oh no!" The Peas whispered to each other.

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