Chapter 1: The first day

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Lapis POV:

My alarm went off I groaned and turned it off. I looked around my new room. It was dyed in blue well not a big surprise my house is in blue too. I looked at my bag which remind me that today is my first day at the new university.

"I can't believe that is already time to start university what a drag". My summer break went to waste because I had to move. But at least I will be finally away from my parent away ,from all the problems and away from...'them'. However I jumped out of my bed took some clothes of the wardrobe and went to the bathroom. I fixed my hair, brushed my teeth and put on a blue tank top and some dark blue jeans. I usually don't eat breakfast so I just went to the living room and turned on the TV. There wasn't anything interesting because of the morning news. It was 6:45 AM remembering that I have to go early because I was a new student. I picked up my bag, put on my shoes and locked my house. I decide to walk on foot since the University was near. I put my earphones so I can ignore the surroundings.

Peridot POV:

Finally the summer ended it was so boring well as always. I woke up early because I was soo excited. As usually I went to the bathroom to fix my hair and brush my teeth. I went downstairs my father was probably sleeping tired from his night shift. I made some breakfast coffee with some toast.

When I finished my breakfast I went to my room to change my clothes. I opened my wardrobe and picked up а green t-shirt my favourite black and green hoodie with alien on it and some black jeans. As I turned around I tripped and fell down." Ahgrr..." from excitement I almost forgot to put on my glasses. My eyesight isn't really bad but still i can't see very well. I wonder when I made breakfast how I didn't fell or even drop something well maybe today is my lucky day. Then I realised it was almost 7:00 AM I should be going. I got my bag put on my shoes and went to the University (on foot). I put on my headphones and played some music on my phone.

Lapis POV:

I arrived at the University it was...Big. It will be a miracle if I don't get lost in it. I looked at my list while walking to the huge building. "My first class is...Math in room 203."I muttered. I looked around and saw that some of the students have already arrived. I was inside the University searching for my room. Though it was early the hall way were full of students. With a lot of struggle i found my room finally. My classmates were already there waiting for the professor to come. I was late because I couldn't find the room. Suddenly I felt someone to place their hand on my shoulder. "YEip.." I got scared and turned around to see the Professor smiling at me. "Now students I am Mrs. Sardonyx your math teacher and this is our new friend Ms. Lazuli." mrs.Sardonyx said with a calm voice."N-nice t-to me-et you all." my voice was cracked because I got scared lately. "Okey miss Lazuli you can go to your seat." she pointed me my seat next to a girl in the corner of the room. As i walked to my seat i heard a few girls talking quietly. " Weuu why did she dyed her hair in such gross colour!" a slight blush of embarrassment came on my face. I dyed my hair in blue when i was in high school.I tried to ignore them and sat next to the girl who seemed to be writing something in her note book. "I wonder should i talk to her" I though to myself maybe she will laugh at me because of my hair I am kind of scared to know. The girl didn't seem to notice that i sat next to her. She has got a short blonde spiky hair in a near view she was really short I can't believe she is in University. I couldn't see her face because it was buried in her note book still writing something.

-A little time skip ;)

Finally math ended. It was so boring and i still didn't see the face of the girl next to me. In the whole class she was writing something in her notebook and i didn't even dare to talk to her. She didn't even notice that the class ended. I decided to leave her alone. When I got out of the classroom I bumped in someone and fell on the floor and dropped all of my books. Then I looked to see in who I bumped. I saw the girls that were talking about me."Watch where are going blue witch I almost broke my nail because of you." I couldn't move."I-I am sorry" is all I said."Uh 'sorry' is that all you have to say." the girl asked with angry tone while the other girls were staring at me with disgust. I somehow managed to stand and to pick up my books. Then suddenly i fell on the floor again. The girl has pushed me and again i dropped my books.The other girls laughed at me. "Do you think that i will let you go just with one miserable 'sorry' ha. You better get on your knees and beg for forgiveness blue witch." There was a group of people who were staring and laughing at me. I felt tears form in my eyes this was my first day and I already wish to be my last.

" WHY DON'T YOU PICK UP ON SOMEONE ON YOUR LEVEL!?" I heard a voice but I didn't dare to look up."Someone like you haha."I heard the girl laughed."Oh no my 'friend' you are no where near my level." said the unfamiliar voice and the group of people laughed. Then it was silent for a moment I was frozen I couldn't move from my spot."Wait!? I know you. If it isn't the biggest nerd in the universe, Peridot." the girl said annoyed." I am surprised that you know my name when you can not even write your own." the other voice said. The group of people laughed at that sentence. The girls couldn't say anything and walked off in shame. The bell rang and the group of people that was formed vanished.

" It's okey now you can stand up." said a calm voice and i felt a hand placed on my shoulder. I looked up to see the person who saved me. It was a short girl with pale skin, green glasses and freckles on her face. As stood up I saw the girl has already picked up my books. I stared at her she was wearing a black and green hoodie with some dark jeans when i saw her short blonde spiky hair I realised that this is the girl that sit next to me...she is really cute. "Ahem... Here those are your books right?" I snapped out to see the short girl handing me the books I've dropped." Thank you." I said quietly." Ahh don't mind it this girls always pick up one the newbies so don't worry." She said as she turned around and start walking.She stopped for a minute and tilted her head"My name is Peridot by the way."I was stunned." Lapis...Lapis Lazuli." I said nervously. She smiled at me and said" Nice to meet you Lazuli. You probably should be going or you will be late for class." then she continued walking. I was staying in the hallway stunned by the cute smile she gave me."AH..,yeah my next class i forgot about it."Then i started running to my next room. "Peridot uh? She seem very nice" I though to myself.

(Authors note) Muffin's note:

Hope you enjoy the first chapter I will try to make the other chapters as long as this one but I don't promise anything. :D


I don't own the video but I think it is a good song to start a chapter.( That involves Lapis Lazuli.)

If you are curious you can comment or chat me your favourite character from 'Steven Universe' and i will tell you what will tell you what role does she or he play ( mostly 'she' because the gems may be genderless but they are mostly 'she' or in other words girls.)

That's from Muffin.

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