Chapter 15: Let's have fun 'Part 2'

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They were walking to the Big donut. Steven and Connie were walking hand in hand with Lapis and Peridot behind them.  Lapis couldn't stop looking at them ' They look like the cutest couple ever! I totally ship them!'  she thought. The weather was a bit chilly but aside from that everything was pretty especially at this hour. The sun was setting and you can see clear the beautiful sky above them. She could hear the ocean, the waves splashing near the hill where Peridot showed her the Light house. Lapis took a deep breathe which caught Peridot's attention.

" Are you ok?" Peridot asked. Lapis looked at her confused. How could she not be ok? Everything was so peaceful the scent of the ocean in the air made her release all the stress.

" Yeah. Why?" she asked. Peridot didn't answered and kept walking. She had her arms in her hoodie pockets and was staring in the road. Peridot looked very sad all of a sudden she hasn't talked at all nor she checked her phone all the time. Lapis opened her mouth to say something when...

" We are here!" Steven yelled. " Finally!" Peridot said rolling her eyes.

Peridot POV:

I thought that we will never reach it. The whole walking was so awkward. 

We entered the shop. " Hey Steven, Connie!" Sadie said. " Sup Nerd Queen." Lars greeted me " Shut up chicken hair!" I said and he mumbled something ' I need to put this in my log: Lars is cool only on the games.' " So... What brings you here at this hour?" Sadie asked " We would like to buy some poison!" I said sarcastically " Poison indeed." Lars smirked " Ohh...ok. What poisonous flavor would you like then?" Sadie and her attempted at making puns. " Oh, Oh!" Steven waved his hand " For me with strawberry, please." he made puppy eyes " Uhm...I will go with vanilla." Connie said ' Typical'  Sadie nodded " And for you?" Sadie pointed at Lapis " I will go with blueberry thank you!" she said and smiled " And for you Peridot is the same as always I guess." I answered her with ' mhm' and took out my wallet. Sadie gave our donuts and I paid her. " Bye Sadie." Steven waved at her " Bye Steven." 

We walked to the beach since it's pretty near. Everyone sat on the sand instead of me I dragged a lounge chair that was near and sat down. I took a bite of my donut and notice that they were looking at me confused. " What?" I asked them. " Why did you get a lounge chair?" Lapis asked " Well unlike you I hate sand." I narrowed my eyebrows " Why? It's so warm and squishy." Steven said and played with the sand with Connie " Steven you literally live on the beach!" I defensed. " Well I don't live on the beach but I still like sand." Lapis said and giggled " Well I just don't like it! It's getting everywhere in my clothes and when I get home I looks like I brought the beach with me!" I was getting frustrated  but to my surprise they started to laugh ' Are they laughing at me?' 

" OK that's it I am leaving!" I said trowing my arms in the air and left. " Peridot! WAIT!" I heard them yelling but I didn't turned around ' Stupid clods! How dare they laugh at me! Agrr I hate it...

Lapis POV: 

" Peri! Wait!" I yelled but she didn't stop.  " Oh no!" Steven said with a really sad expression " It's all my fault!" he said " What?"I asked surprised " Peridot hates when someone questions her and then laugh at her." he said " But we didn't make fun of her we just thought that her action was funny." Steven sighed " Look Lapis. Peridot doesn't understands the things this way." I looked at him confused " What are you talking about?  Good friends do this kind of things." I said and knelt to his side. " Well... Peridot just doesn't understands it this way for her that's some sort of a weapon and immediately defend herself." he said and Connie pat his back " Don't worry Steven I am sure that she isn't really upset." I stood up and run after Peridot. " Lapis where are you going?!" they yelled at me " Steven take your friend and go home I will see Peridot for a bit." I winked at them.

I saw Peridot siluet in the distance. I tried to run even faster but my legs already hurt. " Peri! Wait up?" I yelled and she turned around. I still could see the anger on her face " What?" she said coldly. I stopped to take a breath " Aren't you going to wait for me?" I said and smiled. " Tsch.." was the only thing I heard and she turned around ' Ok that's it!'  " What's wrong with you?" I yelled at her. She turned around surprised " All of sudden you started acted rude to your friends just because they laughed!" she stared at me blankly then made a disgust face " What do you know?" she whispered " Don't walk off on me. Tell me what's wrong or at least tell me why are you really mad?" I yelled once more. She faced me her green eyes glowing with anger at this very moment I felt truly scared " Do you really want to know LAZULI? WHAT MAKES ME ANGRY? Well I will tell you that I really HATE WHEN SOMEONE STICKS THEIR NOSE IN MY BUSINESS!" she yelled at me " I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING TO MY FRIEND! BUT you don't even have the courage to tell me that you got beaten on that day!" she had a shocked expression " How did you...." " KNOW?" I cut her off " Well  first of..." I searched in my bag and then found it " You shouldn't let clues laying around." I trew her broken glasses at her. Peridot looked at them and then at me " So you knew..." her blank expression exploded with anger " WHY WERE YOU THERE?!" she yelled again ' I couldn't believe her!'  " Because...I.." " SPILL IT LAZULI!!!!" I back up a little " Because I care..." I said quietly " WHAT WAS THAT!?" she yelled and came closer " TELL ME!" ' this was the last straw' " BECAUSE I CARE FOR YOU!" I yelled at last and run way.

As I was running I could feel the hot tears falling on my cheeks. I couldn't take it anymore ' I told her how I feel yet I am running away.'

Peridot POV:

"....Even my parents don't care for me..."

Muffin's note:

Sup guys. Well another chapter ( It's a bit shorter I know but I don't worry) and holy cows we've reached +800 views or yeah...I want to thank everyone who reads and votes on this story it really makes my day!
However lately I've been re-writing some of my chapters but don't worry I just fixed some mistakes and I haven't really changed anything so don't worry.

And this chapter comes with the song ' Tears'.

Hope you like and Thank you again.

Muffin's out!


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