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A/N: Before you read this. I want to tell you how old everyone is. Ariel, Harold, and Melvin are 31 years old. George and Ariana are 30, and Alison is 29. I also don't know Mr. Krupp's age from when Harold and George were kids, so I guess and made him 62. Angelina is now 60 years old. This is just to let you all know how old they are.

It was a beautiful day in Piqua, Ohio. Harold and George were at work as their wives stayed home to watch over their houses. Ariana had been away from the house working for a secret ninja clan and Melvin had been doing lab work in his huge laboratory in the basement. Their kids were at school right now. I bet you can't wait to meet them.

Five kids were playing on the playground at Jerome Hortzwiz school. The school has been turned into a middle school to and is still an elementary school and Mr. Krupp retired form his job as principal. Two boys named Henry Hutchins and Andre Beard were playing tag with their sisters and friend. Lyric Hutchins (Harold's little girl), had been playing tag until she took a break. Henry walked up to her and sat by her.

"What's wrong sis?"

"I just need a break Henry."


The bell rang and every kid had to come in. Andre Beard and his sister Samantha Beard groan. Madison Sneedly, their friend, had rolled her eyes and walked in. Andre and Samantha go in then Henry and Lyric follow them. They all have a good day and they all walk home, since they didn't live far from the school. Henry and Lyric walk in their house and smile.

"Hi mom! We're home!"

Ariel sees her kids and hugs them. "How was school today you two?"

"Awesome!" Henry says.

Lyric nods in agreement and then runs to her room. Henry gives his mom a kiss on the cheek and runs after his sister. Harold then walks in the house.

"Oh. Hello honey." He kisses her then sits on the couch.

Ariel sees her husband had a tough day and sits next to him. "Tough day?"


"Don't worry. I'm making some of my mom's meatloaf for dinner."

Harold chuckles and looks at Henry and Lyrics bedroom door. "Are they home yet?"

"They just walked in a few minutes ago before you came home."

Harold knocks on the bedroom door and when Lyric answers it he scares her and she screams. He and Henry start laughing and Lyric looks embarrassed.

"Dad that wasn't funny!!"

"You know it was sweetie." He pats her head.

Lyric just gave him a really face and Henry hugs Harold. Ariel walked over and smiled at the sight. She grabbed Lyric by surprise and then Harold hugged Ariel to him. Henry and Lyric look at each other with a big smile on their face. "Yay!! Group hug!!" They hug their parents back. Harold smiles at his wife and kids. He'd protect them no matter what happens.

~With Andre and Samantha~

Andre and Samantha arrived home earlier than George did. They were planning on surprising him for fun. Alison had looked out the window and saw George walking up to the front door and gave her kids the signal. They hid behind the couch and George walked in.

"Hi Ali-"


George looked a bit scared, but sighed in relief when he saw Andre and Samantha. "You two tying to give your old man a heart attack?"

Alison laughed and hugged George. "It wasn't just them...... I helped."

George just shook his head and chuckled. "My little pranksters."

Andre hugs George and Alison, after that Samantha joins in. "We love you."

The two adults look at each other and chuckle. George looks at his kids. "Hey, I got something for you to on my way home from work."

"What is it dad?"

"A new poster of Alvin and the Chipmunks!" He shows them the poster and smiles.

Andre and Samantha both grab the poster and go to their room to try and hang it up. Alison kissed George's cheek. George looked down and kissed her and pulled away a minute later. Andre had ran out of his room and said, "Dad! We need help with the poster!" He ran back in.

Alison had laughed. "You better go help them."

"I'm goin. I'm goin." George goes and helps them with the poster and then plays with the kids until dinner. He had loved his family so much.

~At home with Madison~

Madison was with her dad in his lab working on her own experiments. She had failed and made a little explosion. Then she groaned and put her head down on the desk feeling sad. Melvin saw his daughters experiment didn't work on well and hugged her.

"Maddy it's okay. You'll get better."


"Yeah! Maybe you'll be like me one day."

"That sounds cool."

Someone had entered the lab. Melvin turned around and saw his wife standing there with a smile on her face. Madison turned and saw her mom. She ran up to her and hugged her tightly. Ariana chuckles and hugged Madison and Melvn when he walked over. They both look at Madison and smile. Melvin kisses Ariana's cheek.

"How did it go?"

"It was fine! Another successful mission."

"Thank god you're okay too."

Ariana had smirk on her face. "So you are thanking my father Posiden?"

Melvin gave her the really face. "You and your Percy Jackson books."

"Hey! My name actually means holy one in Greek!"

Madison had pointed to her experiment and had walked back to it. She felt too awkward and Ariana started laughing. Melvin hugged her and rested his head on Ariana's. Ariana looked up at him and laughed. He just hugged her then let go for a minute and got Madison. Madison screamed a little and then laughed as she was hugged by him and Melvin also hugged Ariana. So he had his two girls in his arms.

"I love you two."

"We love you two dad." Ariana chuckled as she said it.

Melvin shook his head and chuckled. Madison had went up to her room and Ariana followed her. Melvin thought how lucky he was as he worked on his experiments.

That was the beginning my glorious readers! I'll have chapter 1 up later or tomorrow. Sorry that I didn't update anything yesterday. I was at a place with no WiFi and it sucked. I'm back now though. Hope you all like this book and share this. Bye guys! PEACE!! *does peace sign*

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