ISSUE #4 - The Movie of My Life

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"So," said Jughead, having waited an excessively long time for his counterpart to get back from the bar. "If you want my complete and honest advice—"

"Not really," the other Jughead interrupted, "but go on."

He sat back down on the seat opposite and raised an eyebrow at Jughead.

"I think you should tell Betty."

The other Jughead considered this, before making his mind up in no time at all.

"I'd rather not."


"Because... what if I really am aromantic like you say I am?"

It was Jughead's turn to raise an eyebrow.

"Would that really be the end of the world?"

"It would be the end of us," said the other. "The end of Bughead,"

"Wait, Bughead?"

The other Jughead clarified:

"My intel sources at the River Vixens confirm they have indeed started shipping us. And the ship name they chose... is Bughead. Personally I'd have gone with Jutty, but nevermind."

"That is so..." Jughead began, before realizing that he couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence. "But you're not, are you? Aromantic, I mean."

"I dunno," the other boy said. "That's how a parallel universe works, right? We were both born the same, lived two different lives. But underneath it all, we're still essentially the same person."

"Hey, you said it, not me."

"Actually, it was you who said it."

"I may have implied it," Jughead said guiltily. "So... sorry."

"S'alright. Listen, I know asexuality is a thing you're born with, like being gay or straight. So my guess is that aromantic works in more or less the same way. Am I wrong?"

"Well, yes and no," said Jughead "I've heard of people becoming ace who weren't before when they were like, fifty. People change, or they don't change. Either way is cool in my opinion."

The first time Jughead had been told this in his own universe, it had been explained to him by Betty's older sister, the one who worked as a news reporter. He liked her, but the way she used the word 'valid' four times in a single sentence confused him. Jughead never enjoyed explanations like these. He chose instead to explain it in the way that made the most sense to him, hoping this would make sense to his double too.

"Wait. Really?" said the other Jughead, understanding the sentiment but missing the point. "You mean I might not be..."

His eyes lit up at the thought that he might just be normal, or at least a little less weird.

"Buuuut, probably not in my case," said Jughead. "Cause, yeah. I'm pretty sure I've had the hots for food since the day I was born."

"Way to get my hopes up there, buddy," he sighed. Jughead couldn't help feel some of the other guy's disappointment, even if he was being kind of a jerk about it. As if the thought of his being aro-ace really was the end of the world. The end of his world, perhaps? Given what he'd already said about Betty, that might actually be too far from the truth. It was sad to watch really, but some people really did get this dramatic about their high school romances. It shouldn't be that hard to believe. But of all people, this was the last thing he'd expect from someone called Jughead Jones.

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