Dimension Swap (REMAKE)

19 3 8

I Wake up to a knock on my window. I walk to my window but all I see is two glowing white eyes on my balcony and I blink and its gone WEIRD I thought.

The rest of the rainy night I kept hearing Hissing and Screeching screams.


What Is Five × Twelve ÷ five the teacher shouted. 26 said a kid named Jim. Me and the person next to me chucked and giggled. I'm Boomer. The teacher said Gosh go to the crapper and think about your crappy so called life.


Schools out for summer the teacher screamers and everyone yelled horray. Then that's when it happened the glass in the window shattered and glass went everywhere. Lights went out and people were screeching for dear life when they saw who did it. The colprit was....

           TO BE CONTINUED ...

Dimension Swap (REMAKE)Where stories live. Discover now