You came (Pewdiecry)

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Today was the day, the day that Pewdie was coming to visit. Cry was excited, he had been looking forward for this time with Pewds for weeks. Cry had a plan, the two would spend their time together playing video games, and watching movies,while snuggling,and maybe just maybe some sexy time, Cry blushed at the thought. There were a lot of questions running through his mind, a lot of sexual ones, Cry shook his head. Come on Cry don't be a perv, if we have sex, we have sex. I need to get this off of my mind.. Oh junk food of course! I need to go to the store and buy some food!

Cry came home about an hour later, with four bags of junk food and energy drinks. He put everything up, and went to his room, he looked up at the clock and sighed. Three more hours before he gets here, what to do, what to do? Well there's always video games... but I don't want to get bored of playing them when Pewds gets here. Oh Pewdie... I wonder which one of us would top... or what, he'd let me do to him. Damn it pervy thoughts! I have to contain them! Huh... I wonder what he would to  me... Damn it! That's it I need to take care of this! Cry looked down and blushed, he was as hard as a rock, and that was what he was afraid of, he didn't want to make Pewdie uncomfortable, what if he wasn't ready for sexual things just yet.

Cry then again looked up at the clock, time was running out, a whole hour had past because he was so deep in his thoughts. Cry stood up,and slowly took off his jeans, and threw them on the floor, he then laid back down on the bed, and closed his eyes, letting his imagination flow. Cry became even harder at the thoughts of Pewdie's touch, the feel of his warm embrace, the taste of his sweet lips, the pleasure and pain of Pewdie's long hard cock inside of him. Cry slid his hand down his boxers and slowly began to wank, he'd stop now and then to massage the tip. Cry slowly started to wank faster, matching the pace the two were going in his mind, he'd occasionally wimpier "Oh Pewdie!" Cry was about to cum, but he wanted to cum at the same time imaginary Pewds did, so he held it in, 'Pewds' then  mummerd  "Cry... I'm go.. going to.. cum." The two came in per bliss, and Cry let out a loud moan.

Cry panted, and sighed, If only that was real.. Suddenly the bedroom door opened, and there was Pewds, Cry quickly grabbed a blanket to cover himself, but it was too late, Pewdie had seen everything he needed to see. Pewdie walked up and sat on Cry's bed staring into his eyes. "Cry what is this?" Cry sighed and explained the situation to Pewds, he didn't seem to phased by Cry's tale, and seemed to be smirking. Cry looked up at him in confusion, "Why are you smirking?" Pewdie smiled and let out a laugh, "This is the best surprise anyone has have given me! Now how about I give you a prize?" Cry blushed and nodded "yes please"

                                                (Hey should I do a part 2?)

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