Good Aim ~ Daryl Dixon x Reader

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GENDER: Female

Fandom: The Walking Dead

You had gotten away from the three walkers that had been trailing you. Not even a scrape. You were headed further up the mountain so you could find a source of water. You had gone a couple of days without a good amout of water and your clip was almost empty; you were going to have to use the bow and arrow you had managed to scavenge from a local shop.

You hadn't ran into any more survivors, which sucked. Zombie apocolypse and you were doing it alone. Yay. What's more fun than facing certain death by yourself? Everything.

Night was falling and ou needed to find somewhere to camp for the night. God it was cold. If only you had a fire or warmer clothes.

If there was a God, he was listening. By chance you saw faint smoke in the air, it wasn't too far, but it was night, too risky. There were other people. Other survivors. They could be gone in the morning. That was too big of a risk, you needed to go there now.

Your legs were so tired and so was the rest of your body. You had walked up a freaking mountain and had no water. You had almost reached the fire, almost reached the warmth.

There was a line of cans on a string inbetween you and the fire. Why was it there? You assumed that it was some kind of warning trap. You slipped under the line and made your way over to the fire.

This was obviously a larg camp because of the number of tents that you passed on the way to the fire.

God you were tired. You could fall asleep walking to the fire.

You got closer and saw that there were people around it.

"Tired," you mumbled as you stumbled towards the fire. Some people turned towards you and quite literaly jumped out of their chairs. The others only turned to see you fall to the ground. The world went black.


You woke and imidiatly sat strait up. You reached for your gun and found that it wasn't there.

"Wha-," you were cut off by a gruff voice.

"Your gun and bow are safe, don't worry," the man was dressed like a police officer.

"Where am I?" you questioin.

"You stumbled into our camp last night and you were tired and colapsed right in front of the fire," he explained.

"Who are you?" you asked.

"Rick, Rick Grimes," he answered,"Who are you?"

"(F/N) (L/N)," you say.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)," Rick says.

You got up and walked out of the tent, Rick close in tow. Everyone in the camp stared at you as you walked through. You paid them no mind and continued walking.

"Going somewhere, princess?" came a different voice that wasn't Rick's.

"Don't call me that," you wipped around and came face-to-face with a redneck looking man.

"Princess, got a problem?" he smirked at you.

"Daryl," Rick warned.

"Just wandering," Daryl muttered. He was really sexy, you had to admit.

"If you must know," you explained,"I'm going to go find my bow and gun and leave you."

"What?" Rick questioned,"By yourself?"

"Yep," you answered shortly. You spotted your bow and gun by a R.V. and you grabbed them and started to walk out.

"Stay one more day," Rick pleaded,"Stay one more day and think it over, if you still want to leave tomorrow, then I won't stop you."

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