Spring Break In New Orleans (Part 1)

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Anon request: Can I get a klaroline drabble, please?Caroline goes to New Orleans? :)

Caroline Forbes was in her dorm room at the college. She was packing for spring break. The baby vampire wanted to go out of state and do something fun for her college spring break. Caroline had been doing some thinking a while back, then Klaus had came to her mind. When she remembered the offer he gave her multiple times back in Mystic Falls. "Maybe one day you will show up at my door let me show you what the world has to offer." That sentence played in her head over and over. The blonde decided she would spend her spring break in New Orleans.

Caroline had packed a suitcase and drove to Louisiana. The baby vampire had made reservations at a hotel to stay at for a few weeks. She told her mother and friends she was going to do some traveling down south for her spring break vacation. She didn't let the hybrid know that she was going to be in New Orleans. Once she had arrived in the city, she got into the hotel and got her hotel key card and got settled into her room. The blonde looked out the window as she saw the wonderful view of the city. The blonde smiled as she was excited to see what New Orleans has in store for her.

-Somewhere else in New Orleans-

Klaus was sitting on his couch in the living room as he was sketching in his sketchpad. The hybrid was focused on his artwork. He heard footsteps walking towards him. A vampire cleared their throat as he slowly looked up at the vampire. "What is it?" Klaus asked in his thick sexy English accent. "We have a new vampire in town. Word is she is staying in the city for a few weeks for some college spring break." The vampire said softly.Klaus sat up slightly as he listened to the vampire. "Very well, and what other information do you have about this vampire?" The hybrid asked the vampire. "She's blonde, freshman in college. She is from Mystic Falls Virginia." The vampire said to the hybrid. "Sources say she is staying at Le Pavillon Hotel." The vampire said lastly to the original. Klaus smirked as he listened to what the vampire said. "Alright, thank you Joshua." The blonde said as he put his sketch pad away and got up. He heard the vampire leave the room."Oh sweetheart you came into my city and didn't even tell me?" Klaus said aloud as he chuckled softly.

Caroline had changed into some dark blue skinny jeans, a white blouse with flower designs. The blonde slipped on her knee high leather boots as she grabbed her bag and grabbed her hotel key-card and left her hotel room. She was out to explore the city. The blonde walked through the streets as she watched a parade was happening in the road. The baby vampire smiled. The blonde had noticed a few people were watching her. The blonde decided to lose the eyes watching her as she walked away into the crowd. The blonde used her vampire speed to lose track of them. The blonde got mixed into the crowd as she saw people dancing to music on the streets.

Klaus had gotten word of what Caroline has been doing in the city. He had heard of her mostly sight seeing. Which didn't bother him. What did slightly bother him is that the witches might try and get a hold of her or any other enemies he was still dealing with. He was walking down the street of New Orleans as he saw her. Watching people dancing to music in the street. The hybrid slowly walked up behind her. Klaus smiled as he soon placed a hand on her hip. "Long time no see sweetheart." Klaus whispered into the baby vampires ear.

Caroline had been focused on what was happening in front of her that she didn't notice Klaus was behind her.The blonde's breath hitched when she felt someones hand on her hip, she was about to punch or kick whoever was touching her. Her eyes widened when she heard his voice. Caroline swallowed the lump in her throat. She slowly smiled as she turned around. "Hello Klaus." The baby vampire said in a soft voice as she placed her hand on his arm that was touching her body. Klaus grinned as he heard the baby vampire. "Hello Caroline, welcome to New Orleans." The original said as he found himself smiling as he looked at the blonde up and down. Caroline smiled as she heard the hybrid. "Thank you. It is a beautiful city from what I have seen so far." The baby vampire said softly. Klaus looked at the blonde beauty as he smiled at her. "How about I give you a tour of what all New Orleans has to offer?" The hybrid asked the baby vampire. Caroline nodded slightly. "Yes I'd like that very much." The blonde said softly. Klaus let go of the blondes hip as he extended his arm out for her to take. The baby vampire took the older males arm as they walked down the street of New Orleans.

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