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Corey's POV.

"If you divide the X-value with thirty-four you end up with..." The bubbly teacher pauses turning around doing a whole bunch of squiggly lines. "Seven. Any questions?" The teacher questions looking around the classroom.

No one says nothing just looking blankly at the teacher. I let out a sigh making the teacher look over in my direction.

"I'm sorry miss Westley would you like to add anything?" The teacher snaps at me.

Scream at her. Flip a table! A voice encourages me.

I glare her down before standing out of my seat. "Does it look like I know what you're talking about?! No, so if I were you I'd shut up! You don't even know what you're teaching! Because the answer should be twenty-five!" I lash out.

I might be crazy, violent but I do know math pretty well. But I will never pass up the opportunity to correct a teacher.

The teacher looking at me in shock, turns her head towards the board scanning over her mistake.

"I'm sorry miss Westley, you are indeed correct." The teacher says quietly.

"That's what I thought..." I spit at her, snarling at her before sitting down.

That bitch shouldn't have tested us.

She deserved what she got, thinking she's smart? She's the one that needs teaching.

The "voices" remark as Corey places her attention back to the boring math lesson

"Having the square roo-" The teacher gets interrupted as the classroom phone rings. "Mrs. Zilha's classroom Zilha speaking...uh, yes...she's in class...okay she will be on her way." Mrs. Zihla or whatever her name is looks at me.

"Corey, you are wanted in the counseling center." Mrs. Zig zag tells me.

If this is about Chris, remember what we rehearsed.

"Yeah, yeah I'm leaving Mrs. Zillow." I wave her off standing up walking out of her class.

I stroll my way passing all the classes before actually going to talk to my counselor.

Corey, my sweet, precious girl. Frec starts

"Yes master?"

Remember what we rehearsed okay. You never saw Chris that whole week. He was on vacation, that's what he told you. Alright?

"Yes master." I answer in a neutral tone.

Good, my love...

I finally make it to the counseling center. The lady at the desk looks at me with a terrified look on her face.

"Is that slut in?" I snarl, the last quickly shaking her head yes pointing to her door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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