Chapter 11 Darker Danger

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See full picture to get the full effect of the chapter.. love you guys..Ravens1Rose

Darker Danger!

Dear Diary,
That night as I slept I feared everything in my dreams. I could see myself surrounded by blue fire, people were running around screaming. Their were witches and warlocks in my dream. They were evil and tortured the poor souls all around me. People were being sacrificed. There was blood everywhere. A river of blood. I was scared down to my bones, though I faced it all the best that I could. I kept repeating to myself that I am strong enough, I can do this, over and over.

I looked over at my side where someone had a vicious grip on my arm. It was Lavons grip. He was smiling looking down at my arms. There was a evil looking warlock carving symbols or foreign word into the skin in my arms. I could feel them burning into my body and felt like my soul as well on fire. I screamed as loud as I could for anyone to help me. I don't care this all felt so real and I was in to much pain I could feel myself about to pass out from it. Then who knows what would happen to me. I screamed again louder. That's when everything and everybody started to disappear.

Everything turns black and the darkness starts pouring in. I fall to my knees in fear still shaking from everything that I had just went through and witnessed. "What in the hell was all of that?" I ask myself, but someone answered my question for me.

"That my beautiful Raven was something that you were not supposed to see just yet. You are not ready for it. It would kill you. Would you like to forget that dream?"

"Yes please." I say pleading. The pain was getting worse. He bent down on his knees as well and put his hands on the side of my head and started rubbing it, soothing it. That was some headache he was helping me with right now. It actually made me fall to my knees. I hate those headaches.

I looked up into his silver eyes and at his brown messy hair. "Thank you so much."

"You are very welcome Raven. I would do anything to help you. I heard your call for me. I could see that your pain was hurting so bad that it was bringing you to tears and made you fall to your knees. I can't stand to see you hurt like that." He puts his arms around me and pulls me closer to him in the peaceful of this darkness kneeling together.

"Why do you care so much, and honestly is any of this even really real?" I ask

"Well the honest truth is that I love you Raven always have and I always will, and yes Rave this is all real. I am able to walk through people's dreams, and if they are open enough I am able to communicate with them in their dreams while I'm there. Dreams as well as people's day dreams well you may call them fantasies. It's well, let's just call it a gift of sorts."

"Well that's amazing. Are you even human?" I asked amazed but a bit confused cause supernatural things are not real.

"Uhhh...I'm not quite sure your ready to hear the truth about me just yet." He pulls me to my feet. The darkness starts to brighten and fade away as the wood outside of the cabin that I am staying at starts to appear in front of us. Now he intertwined our fingers and we walk though the woods. I can really look around and see and appreciate the beauty in it all.

"My name is Mike by the way." He smiles a heart throbbing smile down at me.

"Yeah thanks for telling me that." I blush and smile back k at his beauty.

"Yeah well I have actually told you my name plenty of times, but we won't get into that right now. Let's just enjoy this dream while your still sleep shall we?"

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