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Myriads of bats lay on top of one another on the glass.

"What.. what the hell is this?! How is it possible to have all these bats in the subway tunnel?"

The passengers inside the train started to panic with the sudden turn of events.

"(Y/n) just stay calm, dont panic"

"Uuu guuu uooo"

As I tried to calm down, a series of terrifying moaning reached my ears

Wha..what was that sound? Its as though the noise was made by a...beast..

I searched for the origin of the sound as though i was beckoned by it...
Once i've located the source, there stood---

A man with red eyes? His skin is pale...he looks like a porcelain doll...

(The vampire)

The vampire panted painfully while he tries to subdue himself by wrapping his arms around the body.
Yet, his eyes...were only fixed on one spot....

(The vampire)
"Maiden of lycoris"
"Once i've killed you, I'll be able to-"


He jumped from where he stood, bypassed the passengers on the train and came flying towards me

Oh no...

He appeared right in front of me in a split second before i got to take a good look at him.

A-Am i going to die?

The fierce looking guy lunged himself at the shadow in front of me
And he started biting and tearing his target's neck into pieces

*chomp* *gnaw*




The one who got bitten wasn't me..... but Thomas
His strength was lost along with the blood that came gushing out of his wound.

"Why is this happening...How could you..."

I said that as tears slid down my face as my eyes fixed themselves onto the guy who bit Thomas
Yet, the expression on the his face was nothing but shock and disappointment

The vampire
"No...what have I done...Thats not what I've planned!"


Just then-
I caught glimpses of a bluish-white flame flying past me with an extreme speed from the corner of my eyes.

The Seal of LycorisWhere stories live. Discover now