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"How long were you dating him, huh? Didn't I tell you I know guys like that."

"Yeah, I know..." Without taking your gaze from the window beside you in the car, the radio was turned down so that he could speak but not low enough so that it wasn't heard. Despite your low and lazy tone, the loud exhale after speaking, your brother kept talking, "I know how guys think and that kid was always an asshole. He was disrespectful too, I told you ages ago, right?"

"Yeah, you did.."

If someone said that your brother, Leiko, was arrogant, he'd straight up deny it. If he was told that he was stubborn and always wanting to be correct, he'd deny that too. But that was the thing, he was really confident and he always had to be right because if he wasn't then he wouldn't say anything at all. He was very opinionated and headstrong too. He was prideful and smart, it got really annoying most of the time.

Luckily for you, the car ride was short-lived and a waste of petrol as well. It was true when you had said that you could've walked home. In all honestly, you would've actually preferred walking as you always did and today was the one day where you were actually wanting to do it because of what had happened in school. It was the students that talked behind their backs when they spoke about you and the oblivious teachers that only added more oil to the fire inside you. They didn't really care about your well-being when they just did as they were supposed to. They didn't actually care about what was going on in their student's lives.

Parking outside your home, you got out of the car as Leiko turned off the engine. He took the keys out and undid his seat belt as you were already walking to the front door, it was open- your mother had heard the engine in her driveway and came to welcome you home. A kiss on her cheek was presented; needed so that she knew you weren't in a sour mood even though you really were, "Welcome home."

"I'm home."

She smiled at you warmly and stood by when you entered the home, taking off your shoes at the entrance before walking straight through the one-story home to get to your room. It was the last one down the hall, passing the living room, the kitchen and the two other rooms; one for your other brother and the one that used to be yours that was now turned into a spare room. Your own room used to be Leiko's but he had already moved out last year, he was living with his girlfriend.

Friday night was wasted as you readied for the weekend ahead, staying within the confines of your bedroom containing limited posters on your cupboard door and the lamp remaining on while the window beside the queen-sized bed allowed you to view the sky growing darker as the hours past. Music played in the background from the laptop before you while the only thing that made your nights worth staying indoors were the AMV's on Youtube and the fanfictions on Quotev.

The only time you'd actually leave your room was to eat dinner or to go to the toilet and when you showered, you still loathed the fact that Leiko's words echoed in your mind when you knew that's all it really was, words and yet they still seemed to haunt you. They always reminded you of your mistakes but you hated it because you knew that Leiko really didn't have any idea of what you were feeling or what you were thinking. He never knew how you really felt about Ryusei and it pained you to realise that he had never even asked.

Saturday was a day of pure nothing; the usual and weird (also unneeded) banter occurred on your three-way chat online between Aiko, Michiko and yourself - though they had recently decided to add you to another group chat with a lot more people you didn't even associate with - it goes without saying that you had repeatedly muted them throughout the entire day.

Despite the occasional appearances from your other brother who had already graduated from high school, you were alone in the house - only able to enjoy the presence of your pet dog who loved to plant herself in your room, at the end of the bed. Sunday came and a text arrived from Sugawara, it surprised you a little but you guessed he might've been worried about you? Or concerned? It was sweet but you always believed that those types of things shouldn't be wasted on you.

Here we go Again | ああ またか | Kuroo TetsurōWhere stories live. Discover now