Chapter 2

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I was walking around the side of the house when my phone buzzed, Jake texted me.

I was walking around the side of the house when my phone buzzed, Jake texted me

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I was confused, Jake didn't normally invite me without Ivan. Thinking little of it, I made my way to my bedroom to get changed. (Ivan pranked me with water balloons.) While I was getting changed, I couldn't help thinking about it. Jake had been looking at me weirdly lately, I realized, as I walked down the stairs. Erika spotted me, she looked curiously at me.

"I've never seen you look so lost in thought." she said to me.

"You haven't seen me enough then." I concluded, and went upstairs to find Ivan.

"Ivan, Jake quiere que vaya a Taco Bell con él, y sólo somos nosotros y Chance. ¿Qué pasa si Chance tiene que ir? ¿Qué pasará entonces?" I told Ivan. (Use Google Translate.) Ivan raised his eyebrow slightly. I sighed.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." he told me, but I could see a flicker of doubt pass his face. I sighed, there wasn't many times when Ivan didn't know what to do. I set out to Jake's car in silence, still thinking.

There wasn't much conversation in the journey, just the odd case of Jake and Chance talking. He never made the effort to talk to me, and I found myself surprised at it. I was confused as to what Jake's intentions were. We arrived at Taco Bell's, and Jake paid for all our food. I protested a lot, but he wouldn't take my money. Feeling a bit ashamed that Jake paid, I offered Jake some of my meal. He refused heartily and carried on eating his.

"Jake?" I asked. No sooner had I said that, he perked up nervously. "Why were you so quiet in the car?" He shrugged, obviously forced.

"I was thinking." he said, lamely. Chance, without any warning, got up and walked off.

"Where are you going?" Jake and I asked in unison.

"Just to the toilet." he said, looking slightly confused. Jake and I looked at each other. We were now alone at the table, sitting next to eachother. I looked down, concentrating on my food. One hand was under the table, and it took me a while to realize Jake's was too. Before I knew it, his hand reached for mine.

My cheeks flushed as we drew closer. Jake looked into my eyes, but then back, as if the sight hurt him.

"We should go." he said, as if his words were choking him. I nodded silently, as Chance joined us outside.

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