#10. "Fan Signing Success!! Part 2"

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Jungkook's POV

.............and at that moment, I knew I had messed up.........

Sumi's POV

"She's mine"

.....save me!!

What the hell Jungkook?? WHY the hell Jungkook??

Now my face is a friggin cherry!!

The fans started screaming and shouting weird chants, like hella weird chants.




Damn you Jungkook... how will I stop the media from going crazy over this?? Even though I am emotionally dead and screaming on the insides right now,it's my job as manager to stop the media from misunderstanding, and here I am, also misunderstanding your damn actions!! Sijgwfbeojwbojdwbcowjdbcho

Jungkook's POV

I quickly looked over to my hyungs with a look of asking for help, only to be faced with 6 heads, looking right at me, giving me knowing looks, fanboying looks and also a lil Taehyung hyung giving me his signature smile, the 'box smile'.

Seeing my expression didn't faze them a bit, seeing this, I knew what they were doing...

They were friggin teasing me, and at the damn wrong time.

I kept on eyeing them and pleading with my eyes, hoping they get my message, and they soon did. One by one they made their way down the stage and joined into the hug I was giving Sumi.

"Dont take her away from us, she's OUR manager~" All of bangtan, excluding me voiced out while I was left in the middle of the hug, heaving out a sigh of relief that the weird questions had changed.

Finally after a minute the chants had died down and bangtan let go one by one. They all had seated down back on the stage when I noticed that I was still hugging a flushed Sumi. I slowly let go of her but saw the guy, still staring at her and only saw one thing in his eyes. Desire. Well damn she ain't staying here with HIM of all people and fans.

With that being my last thought, I quickly grabbed onto her wrist and dragged her back up the steps to the stage with me and seated her in between Me and Tae hyung where there was a spare chair.

While I was getting comfy in my chair, I noticed from the corner of my eyes that Sumi was giving me a look of confusion that asked 'why?' in bold letters. To tease her I only gave a pout in return making her blush and turn back to the crowd in front of us.

The fan signing continued and I noticed how none of the fans missed taking Sumi's autograph, especially the guys, hell, some of them even skipped us and went straight to Sumi. Guess she's getting famous.

It finally came to the turn where the guy from before came straight up to Sumi, passing us like some of the others. He started playing with her fingers and attempting to start a conversation with her that it was obvious. He was trying to flirt with her, and I don't know why but I did not want that to happen.

I was beyond irritated and I had no fudging idea why...

Just when I was about to speak up for her she talked to him herself, slowly pulling her fingers out of his grasp.

"I'm sorry but you're not the only person who wants to see or talk to me so would please do me a favour and move on for the other people waiting?" She asked in a polite way but damn he gave her a dirty look. I was ready to beat the hell out of him but I guessed Sumi sensed it so she slowly took her hand and placed it under the table, sliding it into my own hand, intertwining our fingers and giving it a slight squeeze. At first I didn't know what to do as I felt my cheeks heating up. Slowly I calmed down at her touch and squeezed her soft hand back, transferring the warmth in her hand onto mine.

After calming down and being able to think straight again, I noticed that the guy was still there. She took his silence as a sign to continue.

"It might also be good if you moved on from trying to get me to be in a relationship with you since as you can clearly see.." she paused and leaned in, making me nervous that she'll do something like a kiss on the cheek that I squeezed her hand even tighter. She moved into his ear and continued what she was saying by whispering..

"Im not interested."

She sat back down on her seat and started rubbing circles on my tensed hand which once again, calmed me down at her touch. It sent sparks through my body and made me feel all happy that I didn't take notice of the small content smile that made its appearance on my face.

The man finally walked away, irritated, and we continued signing. Since it was in a position where I sat at the edge of the table, Sumi was holding onto my left hand with her right one. I guessed she was left handed since she was signing the items given to her with it so I kept holding onto her hand. Not letting go of it for a single second.

I held her hand throughout the whole signing...
And it felt so damn right...


Did all of youse like this chapter?? Sorry if i made you cringe *cuz I was internally cringing myself for what the damn hell I was typing*

Enjoy, Im fine with what you do as long as you guys enjoy it.


Okay, back to normal *but actually typing this while literally jumping up and down on my bed* *realises what I just typed* *starts singing* WI ARE, WI, WI ARE~ *still jumping up and down on bed* *bro walks in* *looks at me with a freaked out expression* *walks out* *continues jumping without giving a shit*


I hope you have a good day??

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