Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


It took me all day on Friday to convince Peeta that Madge wouldn't reject him. When he finally got the courage we had just gotten our trays for lunch. He was smiling and walked up to Madge. I stayed close in case he need help.
"Hey, Madge." He says smiling. I could tell that he was whipped because he had a twinkle only she could put in his eyes.
"Hi," she said discreetly. He frowned at me, he also noticed. She hasn't blushed, or stuttered, or smiled. She just kept her head down looking at her tray. I nodded my head toward him with an encouraging smile. He smiled taking a deep breath and started talking again.
"So I was thinking that maybe we... could go to the movies sometime this weekend." I could see that he was clutching his tray because his knuckles were snow white.
"I..." She said biting her lip. "I... I can't except, I'm sorry, Peeta..." She gulped with tears in her eyes. "I just want to be f...fri... friends..." I could tell she was gonna burst any second. His face fell, he was crushed. He was speechless just staring at her.
"W-why?" He asked with his voice cracking.
"I... I have to go," she sets her tray down on a random table and runs out of the cafeteria with a few tears streaming down her face, covering her mouth. He turns to me frowning and say.
"See, I told you she doesn't like me." He sits down at the table Madge set her tray on. He sat with the tray in front of him but his head was on the table and his hands were in his lap.
"Peeta..." I say setting a hand on his shoulder. He shrugs it off and I set my stuff down. "Watch our stuff," I say setting my tray on the same table. At first I was reluctant to leave my delicious food but my friends need me more than my stomach needs food. I walk to the bathrooms and hear Madge crying in a stall.
"Madge, why?" I ask her from outside the stall.
"Because... of Delly." She says.
"As far as I'm concerned, Delly can go to hell. You can't let people control who you want to be with... and don't deny it I know you want to be with Peeta because I see the way you blush when he's around you. Do you see how his eyes sparkle when he talks to you?"
She giggles. "I thought I was just seeing things."
"Well your not, so get out there and get your man!" I say sternly.
"What about Delly-"
"You let me handle Delly, get out there before I kick this door down and shove you out there. Your not the only one who's hurting."
"Oh my god! Peeta!" She says realizing it.
"Yeah, you hurt him... Bad!" She runs out the door before I can say anything else.
I run after her and see her at the cafeteria door. She's looking around and sets her gaze on Peeta. She shouts his name and everyone turns to look at them both. He stands up blushing from the sudden attention. She runs into his arms before he can do anything. She hugs his neck as his arms come up around her waist. I sigh, I love it when couples get together. She pulls away and kisses him lightly. He's shocked by her forwardness and so am I.
"Wow, I am good!" I whisper to myself with my arms crossed. I feel arms wrap around my waist from behind and I pulled back into a hard body.
"Yes, you are." Cato whispers kissing my ear. I chuckle and set my hands on his.
"What can I say? I'm just good at getting couples together." I say. He chuckles and kisses my neck tenderly.
"Cato," I say with an itty-bitty moan.
"The group was looking at us," he whispers into my ear. When I feel his breath go down my neck I shiver. I feel his grip tighten against my waist. "Katniss, remember we're in school, you can't get expelled this soon into the semester." he says with a serious tone. I turn to look at his face and follow his gaze. I turn to see Madge in Peeta's side hanging to the right side of him. Then I notice Delly approaching them. I walk away from Cato and up to Madge and Peeta. Delly slows down but still approaches us. I see fear and anger in her eyes.
"Peeta, baby what are you doing kissing other girls?" She asks with her ear splitting shriek she calls her voice.
"Delly, I can kiss whoever I want." He says rolling his eyes.
"Your cheating on me!" She whines.
"No, I'm-" I cut him off.
"Peeta, I got this," I turn to Delly and see fear flash into her eyes.
"Delly, how many time do you have to hear this?! You and Peeta will NEVER be a couple!" I shout in her face. When she doesn't back down I keep going. "Understand?" She still doesn't back down.
"I deserve Peeta!" She says weakly.
"Ha! Considering how you treat people, you deserve nothing!" She stands there speechless. "Run along, your Ken and Barbie dolls are waiting for you," I say refering to the other jocks and dance squad. She stands there with her mouth open. I walk away from her with Madge and Peeta on my heels.
"Was that okay?" I ask Cato.
"Yeah, it was perfect." He says wraping his arms around me from behind, again. He smiles as he sets a light kiss on my cheek.
Heyyyy! Wats up!!
Hope you liked it. Have a good day (or night) Love Lauren. :)

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