Chapter 1

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"A piercing cry howled cutting through the atmosphere disturbing the moon. As her fears flamed by the cold wind, an insignia of the night. Play with fire, the demon whispered in delight."


Chapter 1

I closed my eyes and relaxed from the hot water caressing my skin. I've been completely drained after a long day and hectic schedule from work. To add it up, a strange Chinese woman kept on bugging my landline phone ever since me and my friends went to China Town the other day. She kept on telling me to always wear the necklace she gave me for free. At first I thought she was being kind 'cause we bought a lot of stuff from her store but I kind of got pissed off when she grabbed me and told me something weird that day.

"Please, wear this. It will protect you from the shadows that will -" She didn't finish what she was saying but placed the necklace on my hand. She was still gripping my other hand when she stared into thin air, her coal black eyes turned smoky and hazy, like seeing something beyond more far from somewhere. Then she snapped back to reality her eyes turning back to normal. "Five shadows will either guide you or will be the cause of something no human could have ever understood." She said panic was painted all across her face. "I can't further see what will happen." She stutters as she kept on explaining what she had seen.

"It's in your hands, your decisions that will make you who and what you really are." She kept on.

Is this some kind of bogus fortune telling? I asked myself 'cause I'm not buying it. My eyes scanned all over the store searching for my friends to rescue me from this crazed old lady. But she never let go of my hand. I started to fidget when she whispered, "Lustful shadows" I jerked my hand off knocking the Chinese lady off of her balance.

"I don't understand." I replied but before she could further explain, her daughter shoved us away when she saw what I did to her mother. "Hey lady." I didn't finish what I was saying. I was so confused and shaken to what she just she whispered. Great! Lustful shadows! A lustful boss I can't even handle now to be added by shadows? I really got scared 'cause I pondered that that lady was not kidding. She was serious about what she just told me.

"Shadows? What shadows?" I whispered, my mind still trying to digest what she said while holding the necklace she handed me.

"What was that all about? Lisa asked me, laughing off the rude incident that just happened. I just shrugged everything off and put the necklace inside my bag.

"I don't know," I defended myself when Cara pointed out that I pushed the lady away from me. "They wouldn't push us away if Skye didn't do that to the poor old lady."

            "She said something creepy, kind of did some fortune telling" I retorted when three pair of eyes bore in to my face. "Look, I freaked out about what she said; can we just drop the topic now?"

Keith just stared back at me, confused of my mood swings. "Fine, let's just go and eat. I'm starving." She offered.

Relief washed over me when nothing happened that night or yesterday. I continued my daily routine and work my ass off instead to forget the creepy incident.

I turned my iPod on and tried to forget about what just happened that day. "I'm just scaring myself out of nothing." I said loudly trying to convince myself that it was just some kind of sick joke. I rested my head and once again enjoyed the bubble bath I'm having. Candle-scented flames lighting my bathroom to eliminate the bad vibes I'm having.

I felt something brushing off at my legs, disturbing me from my slumber. Then I remembered, I was in the tub. But I was too lazy and tired to get up, casting the notion that something was just lightly stroking my legs. It felt divine, making me drift off to sleep once again. Another stroke woke me up this time my thighs were feeling funny. At first I thought I was still dreaming but I'm sure I am not dreaming.

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