New Beginnings

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Last month of school

Mark POV
I'm sitting in the back of English, with Cilia one row over and three seats up. I'm just watching her. She's looking intently at the textbook reading the story we were assigned. She has this beautiful far off look in her eye and a smile is playing on her lips. She glances over at me from time to time blushing. I decide to read, because I can't afford another bad test. Not with the end of the year so close.

Cilia POV
He's watching me. I know he is. And I'm trying to get a glance now and then, and he's always looking. He's so cute, and sweet. I've been crying a lot, my anxiety gets to me, and I freak, and he's always there to hold me. I love that boy. Wait... what? Okay, I have to tell him soon. I'm going insane. I don't know how though. The last bell rings, and I'm out like a shot. I find Carie, Darcy, and Luanne and we sit on the bench and chat.
"Guys. I have to tell him. I'm going crazy" I say.
"How will you tell him though?" Carie asks.
"Ugh. That's the thing... I don't know. Any clue?" I asked. Everyone shook their heads.
"Got it" Luanne said, snapping her fingers. "Write him an anonymous note. Tell him that you like him, and you don't know how to tell him, and you hope you can be friends. Then, at the end of the day, ask him about the note you wrote him. Maybe say:" So... about the note I gave you..." and let him take it from there?"
"That's good!" Everyone agreed.
"What about a picnic, I have something else he needs to know too..." I said. Everyone loved that. Now all I had to do was get up the courage to say what needed to be said.

Mark POV
I was walking home, when Cilia runs up to me.
"I have to... to talk to... to you." She panted.
"Okay. Shoot." I said.
"Not here. Don't want anyone else to know. Friday at 4? Park?" She asked.
"Umm... okay. You okay?" I asked. She nodded.
"Gotta go. Studying for chemistry final" She ran off again. That was weird. Okay. Friday it is. I hope she's saying what I think she's saying.


Cilia POV
I didn't have classes Friday, so I had all day to get ready. I showered, straightened my hair, did clear polish on my nails, and then sat around until an hour before I needed to go. I put on my favorite casual(ish) outfit. It's a coral v-neck, a fishnet choker with a white rose charm, light blue skinny jeans, and my gray converse. I put on my favorite earrings, little white roses. I put on lip gloss, and touched up my mascara, and started my walk to the park. I got to the park right at four, and texted Mark.
Hey! On the bench by the swings next to the woods! See you soon?
Pulling up now. I see you. See you in 2 minutes.
Mark walked towards me in blue jeans, a red shirt, and a baseball hat. I got butterflies, but I swallowed them, and walked over to meet him.

Mark POV
I walked over to Cilia, and I have to say, she looked absolutely stunning. She looked nice, but casual. Perfect for the park and a nice talk. She took a deep breath.
"I have to tell you two things. One is about me, and one is about something else." She said. We walked back over and sat down.
"Hey." I said softly, looking her in her beautiful eyes, "you can tell me anything." She looked like throwing up. I smiled at her and she seemed to ease up a little.
"Okay." She looked at me. She smiled that beautiful smile. It's even prettier now that she got her braces off.
"Mark, I have to say this now. Please let me finish, or I won't keep going. Ever since I met you and I broke down in the cafeteria, and you comforted me, I haven't stopped thinking about you, or wanting to be with you. So what I'm trying to say is: I really like you Mark. And I hope we can still be friends if you don't like me too." She finished and looked down at her lap.
"Hey..." I said softly, putting my hand on hers,"it's okay. I like you too. I feel the same way. I'm so happy right now, you wouldn't even know." She smiled the biggest smile I'd ever seen. She moved closer to me. I remembered she still had something to say. And again, she looked like passing out.
"What else? Is everything okay? Are you okay?" I was suddenly very concerned.
"Mark. The next thing I'm going to say is not to be repeated until we graduate. No one can know. This is very hard for me to say." She said. I moved closer to her and grabbed her hand and put my other arm around her shoulders.
"Hey, it's okay. I'll always be here, no matter what." I comforted. She took a deep breath, and finally spoke.
"Okay. Like the last thing. Let me get through this all together or I never will. Mark, I'm alone. I live alone. My mom and dad are in the Army. They left right after I started school here. I haven't talked to them or seen them in 7 months, and I'm getting scared for them. I never invite you all over because I don't need a reminder when you leave that I'm alone. That's why I don't do much after school, I have to do everything at home, so I can't hang out. I don't pay for the house, my parents have that arranged for another long time. But I cook, do laundry, everything. And I'm a student. And I don't know when I'll see them again, if I do. I have major anxiety, and I have self doubt all the time. I feel ugly, or not beautiful, and I don't know how to deal. That's why I always cry. I wanted to tell you because I feel like I need someone around who knows. No one else knows." She finished, and she had tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Cilia..." I whispered as I pulled her closer."I'm glad you told me. Now I have a better reason to say that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You are so strong. I absolutely love you." I said. Then I realized what I'd said. I froze.
"You... love me?" She was still quivering. "You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear that" she whispered. And then I kissed her. Not long, because she was still crying, so we just sat. I rubbed her back, and let her cry. I comforted her to my best, and then gave her a ride home.
"Will you be okay? Do you want me to come in?" I asked.
"Would you? For a minute?" She asked. I nodded and walked her inside. I did a double take. It was beautiful. Wood floors, wide screen tv, leather furniture, and gray walls. We sat on the couch and she curled up with her head on my neck. Soon her breath was even. I followed her soon after.

Cilia POV
I woke up Saturday morning, curled up with Mark. I was so happy to get all that off my chest. Suddenly I shot awake. We had graduation practice in an hour! I shook Mark awake. I changed and touched up my makeup. Then we raced to the gym.
"Hey. I'm so glad I know this all now. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Mark asked.
"Yes! Of course!" I gasped, smiling ear to ear. He was so beautiful and caring.
"I love you so much Cilia" he said.
"I love you too Mark" I said. And I kissed him. For real this time. It was my first kiss where I really felt something. When we reached the gym, we told Ben, Luanne, Darcy, Andy, and Carie about us. They were so happy and shared knowing smiles. For the first time in a long time, I was content, and happy.

After Graduation

Cilia POV
We graduated! Oh my gosh! I couldn't believe it! There was a party at Andy's house, which, let me say, was huge. His mom is some big company executive. Our whole class is there. Some guy comes over to me at some point.
"Hey babe... wanna go have some fun?" He asked.
"No thanks. I'm taken" I stammered.
"You sure baby?" He said slyly.
"I'm sure... HELP!!!!!!" I scream. Mark comes running over.
"Back off dude, she's mine." He slurred.
"Nice try, buddy. This one is mine. If you ever touch her again, I will find you." He growled. The guy ran off. I started sobbing. I was trembling. He brought me close and whispered comforts in my ear. Our friends ran up. Mark told them what happened. Ben walked off. He came back 10 minutes later shaking his hand.
"Oh! Ben what did you do?!" I gasped.
"I put the fear of God in that guy. I might've broken his nose, too..." he said. I smiled and hugged him. Then, Mark and I walked around saying our final goodbyes, and then went back to my place. We watched the last Harry Potter movie. Then we went to my bedroom. From there, things moved faster than I thought they would.
"You sure?" Mark breathed.
"Yes" I whispered. We loved each other. So much. And we knew it, that night.

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