Should i end this?

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Dirks p.o.v.

"Should I stop dating Jake? There's too much drama between Jake and John and I can't let bros fight!" I asked, "II don't know, why are you a2kiing me?" Sollux asked. "Because your the coolest guy I know besides me and Dave." He was on his laptop sitting on the edge of my bed and I was laying down. "IIf you a2k me, you probably 2hould! There2 enough chao2 between all of u2 already." He had his eyes on his laptop screen, "really? I love him, but...I mean....are you sure? What about you and eridan?" Sollux finally looked up "the only other per2on who liikes eriidan iis feferii but we haven't had any problem2" just then eridan and Jake came in the room. "Hey guys, what you guys doin'?" Jake asked. Eridan waved to me and dirk. " wa22up, we were ju2t talkiing...actually dirk ha2 2omethiing iimportant to tell you Jake! Come on ampora, let's go to my room to give them space." He looked at me and gave me a thumbs up "Wait Sollux I didn't really say I was gonna do it!" I flipped him off. "So what's up dirk!" He was sitting next to me on the bed and looking at me with a cute face. I kissed him "what was hat for?" He asked, " because that's probably the last kiss I'm ever giving you for a while" I said "we can't do this Jake, there's too much chaos. I hate seeing you guys fight all the time. I can't stand seeing my two bros fight. I'm sorry Jake...I love you but we can't do this, you and John have been fighting for two weeks now Jake! TWO WEEKS! Im sorry but you have to stop fighting for sure before we do this." Jake got up slowly with tears in his eyes, "okay.." and dashed out of the room.

Sorry I'm breaking all the shippers hearts!!!!! D:!!!!!

~sswz=author <3<3<3<3<3

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