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(Still having trouble with putting pictures below, so I edited the picture and put the three pics in one.)

We all know that our fellow friends will tag us in something. Well, this is my second time being tagged, so let's get down to buissness.

I have been tagged by Gelpenlover.
1. I have to take a picture of ten colored pencils.
2. Then draw a picture of some sort. I decided to try tracing shadows from my glasses and my phone stand that they sell at GameStop at the front desk.
3. Then you color it with your ten colored pencils
4. Then Tag five friends
(Sorry lil bro, I'll try to help you)
I can't think of anyone else, besides the one who tagged me and the others that I tagged
(Before anyone asks, TheKhajiit it my actual brother who is into art like me. I'm not picking favorites, I tag people who I know that can draw.)

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