Part One

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Chloe's going through a dark and rough patch in life, she's lost her dad five years ago and she's still grieving, unfortunately, her mum's not helping at all, all she does is just slate her dad and Chloe doesn't want to hear it.

She does a lot to try and forget everything that's going on around her and they are drink, smoke and smoke weed.

Beca, her girlfriend of four months, and best friend of two years, only knows about the ciggarettes and a bit of alcohol but nothing about smoking weed, Chloe's hidden that from all the Bella's. Beca hasn't been to Chloe's dorm in nearly a month because it's a mess according to Chloe, in fact, no one's been at her dorm for a while.

She's not one to shelter herself away from everyone, but for the last four weeks, she's been very distant with everyone, even Aubrey and they talk about everything. She's only been in a Bella's rehearsal three times in the past few weeks. Beca's managed to talk to Chloe when they have their late night chats but she's still not saying much. But they're all so worried about her, the Bella's know her father's passed but they don't know much about her mother because she never talks about her.

Beca's really worried about her girlfriend, Chloe. She knows that she has depression and has tried to help her but Chloe's the one to bottle everything up and just break down as soon as she gets to her dorm room, unfortunately Beca doesn't know this.

When Beca and Chloe first met, Chloe wasn't as bad as she was, she had depression and has had it for the last five years but Beca always managed to make her smile. It's only been since her father's five year anniversary that Chloe's deffinately not been herself, especially skipping classes and just being distant with everyone.

She was always top marks in her work, but not anymore, she's barely scraping passes, has so much work to do but she's just so tired of it all.

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