Lucy's Knight in Scally Scarf

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Lucy's POV:

After bidding Natsu and Wendy goodnight I went on to the way to my home.I thought and thought over the fact about the fact while blushing crazily.I'm lucky that no one is on the road.If there was any of them,then they would laugh at me and I would die of embarrassment.

There was only the light of the lamp post.Suddenly I saw some people walking at my direction.By the looks of how they were walking,I think they are drunk.When The idea popped into my head I got scared.'What if they do any erotic things me??.'

When I saw them closely,I saw there were three of them shouting together because of their dizziness due to drinking.I walked passed them silently but they didn't do anything.I sighed in relief.But my relief didn't last for a ling time.

Suddenly I felt a strong grip on my hand my hand.I turned around and saw one of the drunken persons who walked passed me a while ago.The rest of the three are behind him smirking at me devilishly.He pinned me to the wall and  started to tease me by telling many perverted things to me.then he leaned in attemt to kiss me.I leaned back on the wall in disgust and closed my eyes.But nothing came.....My hands were released...more like forcibly released.

I saw a hint of pink.I knew who it was .It was Natsu.He punched the guy in the face who pinned me to the wall."Back off you basterds",Natsu said with an angry voice.He is really pissed.One of the remaining two attemted to punch him.Natsu dodged him easily and landed a punch on his stomach and gave him an upper cut on his jaw.He was out cold.

Then he concentrated on the last one.Meanwhile the first one recovered and gripped my arm again.This time I was really pissed off by him.I kicked in the place where the sun refuses to shine.The man winced in pain and fell on the ground.

After we were done fighting with them they ran away.I looked at Natsu and saw that he disturbed by something.He was wrapping his stomach.I was worried about him.

"Natsu!What happened to you??Are you okay??"

"Well I don't think so.That last man knew a few karate.So he kicked me in the stomach.But I barely managed to defeat him."

"Oh no!Are you gonna be okay??"

"Yeah,I think so.I'll take you to your house."

"No!You're not in the condition."

"Yeah.So who's gonna stop me??"

"I guess it can't be helped and I can't stop you.So,please lets go home quickly."


Then he walked me to my house.We didn't talk the whole  time.There was an awkward silence between us.We reached our house finally.

"Hey Natsu!Wanna come in?"

"Nah!It's getting late.I should probably go home now.Your father would be worried by now."

"Don't worry about it.I guess he isn't home yet."

"You think so?I guess he's a busy man"

"Yeah,you're right."

Suddenly a familiar voice scared me half to death by.... I dont know....sneaking up to me.

"Hello princess.Welcome home."

"Virgo!!When did you come??"

"I heard voices just outside the door.So,I thought it was a thief and I wanted to sneak up on him or her."

"Hey!!!We are no theif"

"Sorry princess.So,is it punishment time??"

"No!!!Seriously, what is wrong with you??"

"Ok Natsu.Bye,good night and thanks for the help."

"Ok bye Luce.Take care.Good night."

After Natsu had left,I got inside my house along with Virgo.My father isn't home yet as always.He is always busy with his work.I'm really proud of him.

Virgo made dinner and we ate it together although she wasn't agreeing on having dinner with me with an excuse of me being her master and she is my maid.I told her that our relation wasn't like that.We were friends and I never considered her as my maid.

Anyway after eating dinner I went to my room took nice shower and changed into my PJ.
I jumped into my bed and turned the light off.I took out phone and texted levy and Erza for awhile.Surprisingly they were both awake.After texting them I texted Natsu.Because I was worried about his injury.

"Hey Natsu!!"


"Are your bruises ok?"

"I think so."

"Ok then,Good night."

"Good night Luce"

I shut downed my phone,set my alarm clock on the usual time and layed down on my bed.I was thinking about how Natsu saved me and I didn't even knew When I fell asleep.


Ok everyone,that's done.This the shortest chapter yet.I will try to do better from the next time.

Jah ne,minna!!!!!

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