Not Click Bait

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"Its up" David looked at me, Our video titled "We're Breaking up" was up for the world to see, couple minutes later our phones Blew up with Tweets

"This is crazy " I looked over at David , he sat with his face in his hands . I looked back at my phone and clicked the link to the video, this time it was different, there was no intro , it was just us two on the screen

"Hey Its David and I'm Here with Liza " Davids voice Echoed out my phone speaker, he didn't say girlfriend , i was just Liza now

" Liza and i never put our personal business out there but we thought you guys deserved to hear this from us ourselves , rather than a article on the internet ,so for the first time ever ,my title wasn't Clickbait"

We both stood quiet on the screen for a moment

" There's a lot of changes going on in both our lives that we decided to just take a break from everything and each other " he continued

"We love each other very much and we always will but things happen and sometimes you just need to have that time to just rediscover yourself just for a little while " I Spoke after David, my voice was shaky and it sounded lower

I stopped the video and turned my phone off

"I should get going " David stood up from my couch, his eyes were Glossy

" Stay with me tonight " I blurted out without thinking

"Liza-"  i cut him off

"Just tonight, i just need one last night with you , so i can sleep , i can't sleep David " without realizing ,a tear rolled down my face , he pulled me in to hug him his head rested on mine like it always does and he calmly said to me " For tonight, our last night "

// Hey guys this was a little short intro chapter, but I promise they're longer , this was just a taste of whats to come and believe me it hurt me writing this , i love them so much its was just so painful to imagine them broken up , if you liked this chapter just Add my book to your library and stay updated to every Time i post , Thanks guys Byeeee - Hailey 💕\\

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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