Chapter 2: The Confusion

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Jessica and Arabella stared at each other and for the first time in a long time, Jessica and Arabella felt as though they were speechless. They couldn't say anything to each other because they were too surprised. Until Jessica pulled her hand away. Jessica kept her eyes focused on Arabella's. "Who are you and why do you have my necklace?" Arabella asked, a bit concerned. Jessica replied "I found it on the shore. Here you go. I think this belongs to you." Arabella took it from her slowly. "Can I please have  quick look at your necklace?" Arabella asked with curiosity. Jessica kneeled down on the golden sand and opened up her necklace [locket] to reveal a photo of her and her mum and dad and a mystery person. Who is this person? Find out in Chapter 4...

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