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People really piss me off sometimes??? Like,, it's not their fault, but it still makes me mad. I got a friend, and he's gonna be gone (practically) the whole summer!! Like I dead miss him and I only hear from him at like 11:00 at night cuz that's the only time he's available. Plus he's gone cuz he's camping in the woods so the reception fucking sucks so when he does try and reach out to me, it takes a while to go through and send 😒 smh. He's literally one of like, 4 people that can control me and make sure that I'm fine. He calms me down when I'm angry, ya know? When everyone's pissing me off, he calms me down and helps me through it 😌 and I have such strong feelings for him,,, I really like him and it kills me not to talk to him all the time. Ugh when did I become such a soft little bitch

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