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Another fist landed on his face that makes him stumbled and fell to the ground. He clenched his jaw as he touched the now hurting face and the metallic taste of blood is now lingered on his mouth as he spits it to the floor. A bunched of delinquents who are wearing  a school uniform has been following him since he left the school and for the unknown reason he doesn't know why.

"You're Jeon Jungkook right?" The spiky blonde hair guy asked. Jungkook is bewildered as to why do they need to punch him first in order to question his identity. "I'm pretty sure he is." The black haired with a smug smile on the face commented. "Do you know what you've done?" The blonde guy asked again.

Jungkook looks at them one by one. He doesn't recognize them; this is the very first time that he saw the four of them. And as much as he thinks what possibly be the reason as why he reached on to this situation he doesn't have any idea as to why they ganged him up.

Clearly, he is a good student with a good grades and he maintain to be on top. He is the president of the student council of the senior year, so bullying is literally not on his dictionary. He wondered at first maybe money is the issue, but he is not indebted to anyone as far as his memory is concern. Even though he is not rich like most students on his school, together with his mother who is the only one who brought him up with no father in sight, they still managed to do well financially through his scholarship and by helping his mother by working every weekend through his aunt's chicken restaurant on which he is giving countless of pamphlets on the street and delivering food when he needed to.

Maybe they need his money? That is what he thought. "What do you guys need? Money?" Jungkook asked as he slowly bends his knees and put his left hand to the rough ground while he steady himself and put his strength to his right arms and slowly get back on his feet as he leans to the cold hard wall. They pretty sure know how to trap someone as he is now on the darkest area of one of the unfamiliar alley way nearby to his school.

All three of them laugh at him, clearly mocking the clueless Jungkook, except for one guy. "This dude is pretty funny one." The blonde guy said as he steps forward. Jungkook glance on the logo of their shirts. It is the shirt of their rival school. "Oh, please stop pretending that you really don't know. Kim Jennie, does it ring the bell?" the purple haired guy finally speaks up. He's been observing him from the start; he doesn't make any move and let others do the work, it seems like that he's the leader of the group, cause when he speaks the rest of them stop.

Jungkook heard that name before but he doesn't seem quite catching it as to what are the connection of Kim Jennie to him. "I'm Lee Taeyong by the way, and the way you hurt my bestfriend Jennie is quite unacceptable." Taeyong said as he lean closer to Jungkook. "I don't get it." He finally said as he still leaning on the wall while caressing his stomach.

"You broke her heart when she confessed to you, and clearly you don't even care.It is raining that time and she's waiting outside of your school, brave enough to finally convey what her feelings were. As much as I don't like that idea, that's where she will be happy, but you just broke it." Jungkook finally remembered that day. He doesn't remember the name but he will not forget the sad look of the said girl when he rejected her.

He rejected a lot of girls to be exact, but this is the very first he encountered someone enraged due to the fact of turning their feelings down. Jungkook is not quite ready for a relationship; he is too much occupied on his goal to finish his study in order to help his mother. He almost told that said reason to all the girls who attempted to confess to him, and some of them truly understand. It is just this Jennie girl is quite special to this Taeyong guy.

"You like her, don't you?" Jungkook asked him, then Taeyong put his arm on Jungkook's neck that makes him choke a bit. Seems like Taeyong is finally on the loose; no wonder the other three guys backed off when it happens. He has this kind of intimidating aura, even if he doesn't do anything, and quite pretty scary if you hit one of his nerve.

Taeyong chuckled a bit. "So what if I am?" He asked.

"Does she know it? Try using your courage on confessing your true feelings on her. You all are just wasting all of your energy and time on me." Jungkook said. He doesn't know how to control his mouth sometimes. Taeyong doesn't seem quite impressed on his statement as he finally give his one strong blow on Jungkook's face.

Jungkook stumbled on the ground again, he was about to stand up when Taeyong kick him on the stomach. He tries to shield all of Taeyong's kick by raising his both arms. He didn't notice that he is sliding towards to the garbage area. And when Taeyong was about to kick once again he finally dodges it and kicks the garbage bag instead.

"Is that a feet?" The blonde guy asked. "Seems like a dead person?...come on Taeyong let's go." The dark brown haired guy suggested. The three of them are already on their track, while Taeyong is still giving his one last look to Jungkook before following the rest.

Jungkook can't even sit up straight but he wanted to see what are those guys saw. "A body?" He asked while trying himself to stand up. He forcefully stands up even though every limbs of his muscles are aching, especially his face which is half numb and half aching.

He saw a small and thin dirty feet beneath those garbage bags. He slowly take out the plastic bags to see if the person beneath is still alive or not. To his surprise it is a girl, maybe right on his age. The unidentified girl is wearing a white dress with no shoes or no bag or a purse/ wallet for identification. He looks closely to see if there's any injured or blood, so he slowly kneels down.

Jungkook look closely. He tilts his head as he doesn't find any blood or bruises, then her eyes stop on her covered face. "Ouch." He said while raising his right arm. Taeyong really did a great  job on kicking out of him.

He closes his eyes and let an exasperated breath then he open his eyes once again. To this situation he supposed to call 911, but he also doesn't know why as he is so curious if the girl in front of him is still alive or not maybe his brain got a little damage after all the punches and kicks he received.

So he raises his hand to her direction once again in order to put away all the hair that keeps covering her face. His face softens when he finally saw the face of the unidentified girl. She clearly has this beauty where the more you look at her, the beauty which is already there transcends even more.

Jungkook can't help but touch the face of the unknown girl that it looks like sleeping.  He cups her left cheeks and strokes her eyebrows and eyes using his thumb, when suddenly her eyes open. To his surprised he suddenly jolted backward and his butt meet the floor once again.

The girl sits abruptly and looks at him intensely then unexpected happened when she gave her one of her amazingly weird smile.


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