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I would like to say happy fourth of July to all of my Americans, because out of this year of suffering in the hellhole we are in, we still find ways to celebrate our victories in our past.

I would also like to say Happy late Canada day to all of my Canadians(if that is not what it is called please correct me.), and also say that I am sorry for forgetting to tell y'all that, I remembered, but it was already past twelve pm, so it was too late.

I hope you all are having a patriotic week, I know my neighbors have been keeping me up until 3 in the morning, for two weeks, ssooo YYYAAAAYYY (sarcasm is intended times 5 trillion), I don't totally like being American, or Texan, I mean I love it, but we get stereotyped so much, and the ones that are the stereotypical people are very annoying.......... I just realized I am rambling on so I am just gonna end it of on this note.

Bye my peeps. (Seriously, is that weird I have no idea?)

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