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Illūnis Night Club,
New York City—
1:04 AM

"Love never takes ya' anywhere ya' wanna go."

The man in the navy suit felt his irritation flare up at the absurd presumption, they would never understand. So entrenched in their miserable ways– it was absurd to even consider that these senseless idiots would support him.

"Shut up," he hissed bitterly.

A woman with voluminous red hair and a scarlet red thong walked up to the man with the dialect and offered him a seductive smirk before sitting on his lap.

"Listen, we ain't trying ta' rain on your parade, just sayin' that ya' should be realistic," the man smiled as the woman began kissing the column of his throat.

"Yeah, the boss isn't gonna be happy about this," the other man snickered.

As much as he would like to acquaint their faces with his fist, he knew that they were correct. His boss would never approve of their relationship. Of all the women he just had to choose the sole one he could not have.

Feeling defeated he sighed, "Fuck, I hate this shit."

"Look as funny as I find this situation you should cut her off now Marco. This isn't worth all the trouble and in the end, she'll fuck you over when the boss finds out."

"There's plenty a' bitches all around ere' anyways why bother with just one of em' ain't that right sweetie?" the man asked the woman in his lap causing her to flash him a sardonic smile.

Marco glared at the two other men before grasping the half-empty whiskey glass and storming away from the private booth. Obnoxious music pounding throughout the nightclub, figures grinding on each other and insensible laugher arose from each corner. Usually, he would revel in the adrenaline of the atmosphere, but tonight he could not be bothered.

Conversing with the two people closest to him did not offer him any clarity– who was he kidding? He didn't need clarity, he knew he wanted her more than anything, he just wanted validation for pursuing what was essentially a suicide mission.

The vibration of his phone caught him off guard as he pulled the device out and examined the simple text notification. From that point and onwards, his movements all felt like a blur. One moment he was in the car and the next he was in front of her apartment.

"You're here," she simply whispered.

"I am," Marco answered, letting his eyes roam over her body encased in a thin satin robe.

"I– I thought you would change your mind. . . about us."

"Never," and with that he pushed his way in as their lips met and throughout the night she proved to him over and over again that if their love was bound to be his end then it was the sweetest way to go.

A/N: Let's try this again shall we- I'll try to stay committed to writing this but I don't know how it'll go. Anyways here's the prologue, let me know what you guys think so far about the story. So, see you guys in chapter one where the actual protagonists are introduced!



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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