Potions and DADA

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I haven't been trying to follow Omega and his gang as much as I did, but I couldn't help it. Whenever we talked, he seemed like a nice guy. He was funny and could make anyone laugh, but he was really mysterious. The only other reason I am on to the guy, I admit, is jealousy. Whenever he is around, Ginny and Hermione cant help but stare. It doesn't help that whenever he isn't in classes, he is swimming. Seriously, why cant he swim with a shirt on?

Today, I followed him and overheard a really weird conversation with him and Alpha.

"Where is Skye and Shadow?"

"Fighting to the death," replied Omega calmly.

"Oh. So like every ordinary day then, right?"

"Exactly. But that is to be expected with Pinecone Face and Death Breath as cousins. Especially Thal- Skye."

Alpha raised his eye brows.

"Have you been spending more time with campers?"

"Kinda. After all the time I was away. . .and I have forgiven them, its just that. . .well, they sort of rub off bon me."

"Eh, whatcha going do? Anyway, where is Storm. I thought he would try to help his sister defeat Shadow, after all, he is both of your cousins."

"Maybe, but if you think about it, my father is your fathers uncle, making me cousins with your father, making my line older than yours. In simpler terms, since we don't really count that side of our family, I think that would make me your sort of uncle."

"Well, your father is. . .well, you have two fathers. And if you think about it, one of your fathers is your great-great grandpa. And your father's great-grandfather."

"You have some really weird thoughts."

"Blame my fathers. Or ADHD. Whatever you want to blame it on. Just not me."

"Oh, can you get me some coke?"

"Why should I?"

"Favors. Debts need to be payed."

"For what now?"

"Shoes. Grover. Enchanted. Totally messed up my chances of 75% not dying."

"Why do you have to remember everything?"

"So I get soda," he said like it should be obvious.

"Whatever, Kelp Head. We have potions, let's get to class. We don't want to be...Chaos forbids-late."

They chuckled and left.

Back to present.

I am in potions waiting for class to start.

Suddenly, Omega, Alpha, and Storm burst in covered in dust.


We burst into potions after battling a hydra. It did take long at all, but I made to take long so I had a reasonable excuse to be late.

"Sit," said the teacher.

We sat next to the Harry Potter boy.

"Today you will be making Liquid Luck(too lazy to try and remember proper name of potion, much less spell it correctly) you have one hour. Begin."

I couldn't read my boom or board, so I just threw random ingredients in. It isn't like I actually care of I do well.

At the end of the hour, I was finished and when he came over and looked at my potion, he said I got it perfectly.

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