When Hunting

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              She hung on tight to his hand, not willing to let go. It was becoming more and more heated and her hands were becoming slippery with sweat, making it hard to hold on.

                She gazed up in fear and saw the sparkly box with her name printed on it. She knew if she could just reach up there and grab the box, she could save him. But in order to reach the box, she would have to let go of his hand. What if she didn’t make it back in time to save him?            

                She turned back around and looked into his hazel eyes. He tried to use his other hand to reach up and grab onto the metal ledge, but he was covered with sweat and his hand just slipped off.

                “Please,” he said helplessly. She pursed her lips and then said, “I love you.”

                Her fingers slipped from his and he plunged toward the hot lava as a scream ripped through his throat.

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