He loved her

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Alpha Tomoe-
"I stoped at the house and that's wear Alex mind linked me saying they have intel of the east land and of coarse there alpha wasn't so happy that his little toy ran away but I looked at her and say fear I don't want to push her into anything but I love her smile and even though I've looked at her for weeks I can't help but want her, the first time I say her smelt her was when she was in the hospital she smelt like rose's and strawberry's.

"Uh hello our you okay Tomoe you seam kinda off?

"Yah fine cass let's head in"

"We walked in I say this tall male in the kitchen and a woman on the couch reading a book"

"Well hi there kiddo what's happen around hear Tomoe I've been thinking about the past week while we where away have you signed those pages of rules and guard lines!

"Yes father I have and they all agree to them treaty and I've brought it up with the conceal to.

"Wait a minute kiddo,father. Omg this is the last alpha and Luna dammit Harper why didn't you tell me.

"Sorry not sorry I wanted you to find out by yourself witch you did.

"Hi I'm sorry I bowed to them both I'm Cassie wood's I'm so sorry for not introducing myself.

"Hey I'm old alpha Dale and this fine lady is my mate and old Luna Ashly.

"Hello my dear how nice to see you would you like cookies I've just finished them if you can't tell by my greedy husband he already ate one would you like one my dear.

"No thank I'm going to grab a sandwich out of the refrigerator so I walked over to the kitchen and grab me and tomoe a sandwich and out of nowhere I heard miss Ashly scream"

"Um is she okay Tomoe she seems kinda happy yet she is freaking me out"

"Yah she is fine I told her I found my mate and that um you'r my mate"

"You did thanks Tomoe but why so soon I thought we were going to wait"

"Cass I'm alpha I'm higher then most alpha's because I'm the king alpha and you'r mate I had to tell them okay"

"Okay but you own me a dance more less a date now and I gave Tomoe his sandwich and walked away with my puppy dog face and walked to our room though on pj's and sat in bed I didn't realized that Tomoe room was really nice a flat screen in the room to wooden doors and a big and I mean big  walk in room I looked around and I was really happy but since I'm going to be living hear I need cloths".

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