Damned Flesh

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The taste of flesh... the unbarable addiction of the sweet saltiness of sweat. They all scream, but none can escape me. When my prey is in my sight, they are devoured. My pack... no my family... all of my lovers... seem to never get enough. The salty scarlet tears of a wound cascading from my deafeted prey in rivers. My victims, and my next meal, seem to never see it coming. Untill we pounce...

The sun was going down beyond the hills. She stood there, staring. The last dying rays burned her eyes, but she kept her eyes trained at its beauty. "Julian! Julian, look at the sun!" The girl, who looked as if she were 15, cried. She wore an elegant dress, both dark and lacy. In her delicate and pale hands, she held a paracel to protect her from the burning rays. "Come now, Lucile. If you keep standing there, the sun might burn you." A man with black hair and and silver eyes chided gently. "I won't get burned, Julian. As you have said yourself, we can't get burned!" she told him with wide silver eyes still trained on the darkening horizan. She broke her gaze away from the sky line and looked at Julain with a tender smile. "Even so, my fiancee must not let her beautiful skin become blemished." Julian replied in a husky voice. He moved closer to Lucile, using his fingers to lifter chin. "The LeTorneo Vampire Clan must live on, my dear sister. It is only you and I left." He looked at the rising moon, "We shall not be extingiushed. Our legacy will live on. We will take vengance on the savage family that left us for dead..." He touched his lips to her forhead gingerly. "Yes, big brother." she whispered, her eyes shining as bright as the moon.

Long ago, the race of the vampire lived strong. They ruled over humans like Gods, and were feared as such. But this alone was not quenching for their thirst, the desire for blood that pumps through a human's veins was constantly overwhelming. One of the most feared of the clans, known as the LeTorneos were honerable and followed a code as strict as life itself. As if they had a dark shadow, their counterparts known as the Locke's were not so. They were savages that hated this code. They lived for spilt blood and the screams of their victims. This is what started the Savage War. The Locke Clan against the LeTorneo Clan. Both angered and powerful. During this tragic war, many of the LeTorneo's were slaughtered, leaving their eldest daughter and eldest son alive. They fled, fearing for their lives into the darkness, leaving the Locke Clan superior. Over time, vampires slowly dissapeared leaving humans to run the earth. The legend of the vampires faded into scary movies and fairytales to be told over generations. Little did humanity know, the race of the vampires still thrives to feed on thier blood....

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