2 | chats and impressions

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"I really don't want to go downstairs." Janet huffed as she plopped down backwards on the lush guest bed.

"Staying in this room isn't gonna change the fact that he saw what he saw, Jan." Prince responded matter-of-factly as he organized some of their belongings they had brought for the trip on top of the rosewood vanity.

Ever since Michael witnessed them in the midst of lust, the two parties have been avoiding each other like the plague. Prince and Janet, specifically Janet, refused to come out the room, and Michael—well, he refused to go back upstairs. Everyone was a bit traumatized from what had occurred and didn't want to face the reality of it quite yet. They knew they couldn't carry out like this for long, but they were going to try anyhow.

Rolling over onto her stomach, the woman sighed deeply as she kicked her feet into the air. "I know, I know. I just-" placing her chin into the palm of her hand, "Do you know how embarrassing it is to have your own brother walk in on you?"

Her man's hazel eyes made contact with her dark browns ones in the vanity mirror. "I know how embarrassing it is to have my own father walk in on me, so yes." He said with a slight laugh.

Groaning, she dropped her face into the beige duvet. "I don't think I can face him after this." Muffled words left her, shame and embarrassment prominent with every sound.

Saying she would rather die than look her brother in the eye after what happened, was an understatement. She'd take a trip through hell and converse with Satan before she went downstairs to confront Michael. Even then, Satan would have to drag her out of hell to do so.

"Aw baby, c'mon." Prince walked over to the bed and sat down next to her, his fingers brushing her curly red hair from her face. "I know things may be awkward for awhile, but we can't just ignore the man in his own house. I mean, sooner or later, we're gonna have to get our behinds out of this room."

"But I don't wanna." She whined into the mattress.

"Well we're gonna have to." He retorted kindly. "You got to put your big girl pants on, mama."

Turning her head to the side to look at him, she noticed that his black silk robe was open and that he had nothing but a thong on underneath. A laugh escaped her as she said, "You need to put some pants on."

He rolled his eyes. "I will when you do, Ms. Big Booty." His hand gave a rough slap to her nearly bare ass, forcing a gentle moan out of her.

"Priinnccee, you know what that does to me." She whined once more, hitting his arm with playful intent before he could escape her wrath.

Chuckling, he got up from the bed and headed back over to the dresser. "I forget how easy it is to turn you on sometimes."

Janet raised a plucked brow. "I know you're not talking Mr. I-get-horny-from-damn-near-everything."

The man had to prevent himself from rolling his eyes to oblivion, for he knew she was a hypocrite. "Oh please, you worse then me. Let's not forget the time yo ass got horny from watching me read."

"I-" Janet halted, pointer finger stuck mid-air as she realized she indeed had no room to talk. Humorously, she mumbled, "Maybe if you didn't look sexy wearing glasses. . ."

"Yeah, okay." Prince laughed wholeheartedly, before turning his attention back to finishing the organization of their beauty essentials. After a few moments, he let out a heavy breath.

"I don't think I left the best impression on your brother."

Hearing the solemnity in his voice, his lover slipped off of the bed and walked over to his standing figure. Hugging him from behind, she placed her chin into the crook of his neck.

"Prince," She sighed, gazing upon his perfectly sculpted profile as she ran the tip of her finger up and down the other side of his neck soothingly, "baby, don't worry. We've only been here, for like what, a few hours? That's not enough time for you to leave any sort of lasting impression."

He emitted a knowing snort. "I think him seeing me about to fuck you on his dresser in the first half hour of us being here was a pretty long lasting impression, mama."

The man knew he had messed up by trying to sneak in a quickie within the first 30 minutes of their visit. The whole point of them visiting Michael, besides Janet being able to see her brother, was for Prince to gain his favor. Prince had plans for him and Janet, plans that couldn't be carried out if her brother didn't co-sign them. He knew how much Michael meant to Janet, so he had to win him over. He needed to, if he didn't want to lose the woman he was madly in love with.

Everything had to go right this entire trip. It just had to.

"Well hopefully, we can get past that." Janet started with a light giggle, reassuring him like he did her. "And once that's said and done, you'll have three weeks to work on making a better impression on him. But you won't have to work very hard because you're already an amazing person," she kissed his cheek, "with an amazing personality," then his other, "and an even more amazing heart." Then the same one again.

Prince's lips lifted into a huge grin at her kisses and butterfly inducing words. Turning around in her hold, he wrapped his sturdy arms around her waist then pulled her curved body flush to his.

"You're my favorite person in the whole world, you know that?" He murmured just above a whisper, his dazed eyes gazing into hers lovingly.

"Mm, I better be." She joked lowly, throwing her arms around his neck then laying a gentle peck on his lips. Before she could even say anything else, Prince quickly picked her up by her thick thighs, causing her grip around him to tighten as she gasped.

"Prince, what are you doing?!" She exclaimed through a bout of giggles as he carried her to the king sized bed.

Once he sat her down, he pulled her to the edge and got on his knees before her. A devious shimmer now in his round eyes, he noticed her naive stare swiftly turn into a bashful one once his callous hands ran up her thighs to reach her panties.

"Do you want us to get caught again?!" Janet inquired in an amused yet rushed whisper as she stopped his hands from going any further with her own.

"No." His voice was deeper then before, causing her breath to hitch slightly, a light throb growing more and more present between her thighs. "That's why I'ma need you to be real quiet for me baby. . ."


A/n: Hey guys! I know I've been gone for a very long time, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things so, unfortunately, this chapter was a bit of a short one. And, as you can see, it was in third person. From now on, every other chapter will be from the narrators pov, so Michaels pov will be the next chapter coming up.

And don't worry, the next update will be longer. Thanks for reading!❤️

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