The Understudy (Will Roland x Reader)

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Anonymous: "Hi Jess! Can I have an fluffy imagine with Will Roland where it's my first day as an understudy for Alana, and the cast celebrates it? Sorry if it's too weird lol 😅"
Plot 2 of 2: You've been cast as Alana's understudy for a while but today you've found out that you're going onstage and actually doing the show so boyfriend Will helps comfort you and sooth your nerves.
Warnings: idk nerves and anxiety sorta (not like anxiety disorder just a feeling of anxiousness). Small DEH spoiler at the end but it's just Alana's first lines in the show (which I only know bc I watched the bootleg like 3 times whoops)


     You continuously wrung your hands, rubbing them raw within the past couple hours. You'd had your costume on for a while now, as you actually enjoyed wearing it and being able to chill out right before a show rather than chil out for a while before having the chaos of getting ready and a show as soon as you're done getting ready. Not that you'd ever actually gone on stage for a show before. Not until tonight that is. You had just finished getting your hair and makeup done when the director came to your dressing room.
     "Y/N, you're on tonight. Kris can't make it in today," he said before leaving right afterwards in a hurry, leaving you to your own doubts and worries.
     You had begun pacing not long after as well, and you could see the track marks in the carpet of your dressing room that were flat due to the shuffling of your feet. A light knock is heard on your door. Unlocking the door allowed you to finally stop rubbing your hands together, but unfortunately led to you biting at your thumb as you continued pacing.
     "Hey ba- are you okay!? What's wrong!?" He says, cutting himself off when he sees you. He walks closer, reaching his arms out, but you don't stop pacing. It take him having to grab you to stop your pacing. As he does so he turns you to face him, hands on either sides of your shoulders as you chew at your thumb nail. He looks at you expectantly, waiting for you to speak and answer one of his questions.
     "No," You take a slight breath, before you start speaking very fast and rambling a bit. "Kris isn't here today which means I'm playing Alana today and I've never actually had to go onstage in front of an actual crowd today and they're gonna be disappointed because they paid to see Kris and I'm gonna walk onstage and then ruin the show and it's gonna be bad and I-" your rambling is cut off by Will shushing you in a soft, comforting voice.
     "Hey, hey, y/n, listen to me. You're gonna be okay, more than okay," he whispers the next part as if you aren't alone in your dressing room, "don't tell Kris but I think you're a much better Alana." You giggle a bit at this, knowing he would never think of any cast member as better than another, but allowing the joke to cheer you up anyway. You leaned into his arms, Will wrapping them around you and squeezing you tightly, kissing the top of your head lightly.
"I mean, you got this job for a reason, right? That enough should show you're amazing," Will reassured you.
     "I got the part because you would shut up about me!" You laughed, recalling how you told him to not mention that y'all were together because you didn't want the casting directors to be influenced in any way to hire you, and how they told you later that Will dropped 'subtle' hints. You giggled a bit, remembering about how he apparently wouldn't shut up about how 'that, what was her name? Oh yeah, that y/n girl seemed pretty swell maybe she should get the part'.
     A voice came through the hallway, giving everyone a ten minute warning and saying to report to the stage and wings and to be ready for the show. You were surprised that you didn't feel nearly as scared as you did before Will talked to you.
     He leaned in to kiss you, grabbing the sides of your face gently as he did so, and speaking again to comfort you when he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours, "Now go out there and nail it, okay?"
     "Okay," You smiled, pecking his lips again before taking his hand in yours and leading him out your dressing room and down the stairs to the stage, getting ready for both of your entrance that would happen shortly after after Anybody Have A Map?
     You pumped yourself up a bit backstage before you had to enter. Will have ou a thumbs up as you walked briskly on stage and delivered your lines perfectly.
     "Hey how was your summer?" You said, ignoring your beating heart and the faceless people in the audience, blurred out by the bright stage lights, "Mine was productive..." You interrupted Ben, or Evan rather, proud that you remembered your cues and lines.
It came time for you to exit and Will to enter. When you passed eachother he winked at you. You scolded him for it later, worrying about if someone saw or what might have happened If either of you laughed or broke character. You would never admit how much you giggled when you got backstage.

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