rant #1 - feminism

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Okay, so

I was talking to someone earlier about the roles of women and men in a marriage (random lol), and the person was saying how in a few cultures, women are expected to be completely dependant and are supposed to, in a sense, obey their husband and this is because of how in some places societal rules suggest that women are lesser than men.

Evidently I was triggered af by this.

And honestly, I understand that physically women are scientifically weaker than men and in other circumstances like mentally or emotionally, women can be weaker than men, but men can also be weaker than women too, in certain situations. That's just a fact, not a one-sided argument against men. All genders have differences and certain areas where they are weaker, as well as areas where they are stronger.

And I don't think a lot of people understand that 'feminism' at its root is meant to promote equality between genders. Sure there is an undeniable difference between genders, but the concept of equality between genders is not to say that we are all equal (as in we are all the same) because we are not. We are different. But we all deserve to be treated equally. And in terms of our value as people, everyone is equal no matter what.

Basically, we aren't all the same because scientifically and technically we have differences, but we all deserve to be treated the same.

I also get that when you are a woman living a life where you don't really experience inequality or discrimination because of your gender, you might believe that feminism is unnecessary and a load of crap. But just because you have never experienced or witnessed something happen, that doesn't mean that that thing isn't possible. Or that it isn't an issue in other places.

And a lot of people will get by with the belief that "it's nothing to do with me, and I don't need feminism because I'm treated equally so I don't need to support this issue". Except that's not true. Because if you don't 'believe' in feminism or you're not a feminist, that means you don't believe that men and women should be regarded equally. Simple as that.

And sure, if you genuinely don't believe that men and women should be treated equally then don't support feminism. You do you boo, even if you might be sexist (lol sorry not sorry). I know quite a few people who, because of their upbringing or their experiences, wholeheartedly believe that women are lesser than men and there is no need to promote feminism. I don't wanna say that's fine, but if you are well educated on the topic and you know quite a bit about the subject and have came to this conclusion then your opinion, even if I don't agree with it, is acceptable.

Of course, I would reply to that saying how women are oppressed in quite a few ways, and we need to take action on this. That's because of what I've witnessed and experienced regarding how women are treated in comparison to men. As a young girl I have faced people who believed I couldn't do certain things because I am female. That's why I support this issue.

So yeah, it annoys me how people don't understand what the movement is about or think they know what feminism is because of the radical things they've heard, and I think it's important to fully understand something before deciding whether or not you support it, and it's also stupid to not support something because you have never experienced it.

this is v all over the place and I went off on a tangent lol so thanks if you read the whole thing I appreciate u

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